Java - LibGDX - What is the difference between isKeyPressed and isKeyJustPressed?(Java - LibGDX - isKeyPressed 和 isKeyJustPressed 有什么区别?)
isKeyPressed 和 isKeyJustPressed 有什么区别?!
What is the difference between isKeyPressed and isKeyJustPressed?!
I searched the docs. for the difference and just found:
isKeyPressed: Returns whether the key is pressed.
isKeyJustPressed: Returns whether the key has just been pressed.
Anybody knows something that explains better?!
isKeyPressed 检测当前是否按下按键.
isKeyPressed detects whether the key is currently pressed.
isKeyJustPressed 检测键是否在最后一帧被按下并释放.
isKeyJustPressed detects whether the key was pressed and released the last frame.
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本文标题为:Java - LibGDX - isKeyPressed 和 isKeyJustPressed 有什么区别

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