Generating textures at runtime with text using libgdx(使用 libgdx 在运行时生成带有文本的纹理)
我正在开发一个电话文字游戏.昨天我决定使用 libgdx 切换到 OpenGL,以尝试提高图形性能和电池使用率 + 以针对更多平台.
I'm working on a phone word game. Yesterday I decided to switch to OpenGL using libgdx to try and improve graphics performance and battery usage + to target more platforms.
在 2D 画布上绘制字母拼贴的方式是每个字母拼贴都会为自己创建一个位图.我会:
The way letter tile drawing was working on a 2D canvas was each letter tile would create a bitmap for itself. I would:
- 从背景位图创建一个新的可变位图.
- 在新位图上画出字母.
- 应用其他磁贴特定效果.
- 为每一帧绘制新的位图
使用 libgdx 实现我想要的最佳方式是什么?
What's the best way for me to achieve what I want using libgdx?
- 我应该采用类似的方法吗?如果是这样,怎么做?我尝试使用像素图,但不知道如何绘制字体.
- 我是否应该使用 A-Z 中所有必需的图块创建一个 spritesheet 并直接使用它?调整平铺背景的设计时有点乏味.
- 我应该做一些完全不同的事情吗?
Obviously the final code shouldn't load from the files every time, as this is a massive performance hit, but here's working sample code for anyone else who is trying to achieve the same result.
// load the background into a pixmap
Pixmap tile = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.getFileHandle(
"someFile.png", FileType.Internal));
// load the font
FileHandle handle = Gdx.files.getFileHandle("someFont.fnt",
BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(handle);
// get the glypth info
BitmapFontData data = font.getData();
Pixmap fontPixmap = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal(data.imagePaths[0]));
Glyph glyph = data.getGlyph(getLetterToDraw().charAt(0));
// draw the character onto our base pixmap
tile.drawPixmap(fontPixmap, (TILE_WIDTH - glyph.width) / 2, (TILE_HEIGHT - glyph.height) / 2,
glyph.srcX, glyph.srcY, glyph.width, glyph.height);
// save this as a new texture
texture = new Texture(tile);
引用:你可以创建一个 BitmapFontData
实例并使用 BitmapFontData.getImagePath()
加载一个 Pixmap
包含 glyphs
.然后,您可以使用 BitmapFontData.getGlyph
来获取 Pixmap
中特定字形的位置,您可以将其与 Pixmap.drawPixmap()
一起使用做你想做的事.来源:libgdx 第 691 期:将 BitmapFont 绘制到 Pixmap/Texture
Quote: You can create a BitmapFontData
instance and use BitmapFontData.getImagePath()
to load a Pixmap
containing the glyphs
. You can then use BitmapFontData.getGlyph
to get the location of a specific glyph in the Pixmap
, which you can use with Pixmap.drawPixmap()
to do what you want to do. Source: libgdx Issue 691: Draw BitmapFont to Pixmap/Texture
您获得 BitmapFontData
的路径并使用该路径的 Filehandle 创建一个新的 Pixmap:
You get the path to the BitmapFontData
and create a new Pixmap with the Filehandle to the path with this:
Pixmap(FileHandle file)
Creates a new Pixmap instance from the given file.
使用 Gdx.files.internal(pathfromBitmapFontData)
作为文件句柄,你就得到了包含所有 Glyps 的像素图.
Use Gdx.files.internal(pathfromBitmapFontData)
as filehandle and you got the pixmap with all Glyps inside.
Pixmap p = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal(myBitmapFontData.getImagePath()))
Pixmap p = new Pixmap(myFont.getData().getFontFile());
这篇关于使用 libgdx 在运行时生成带有文本的纹理的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用 libgdx 在运行时生成带有文本的纹理

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