
Schema validation android(架构验证android)



java 中有一个类 SchemaFactory 用于模式验证,但在 android 中不可用.还有其他选择吗?

In java there is class SchemaFactory which is used for schema validation but it is not available in android. Is there any other option available?


Android 目前不支持 XSchema.这在 1.0 版本中是正确的,我只是查看了 1.5 中的更改,并没有对任何 xml 包进行任何更改,所以在我看来它仍然是正确的.我没有源> 1.0.

There is currently no XSchema support in Android. This was true in version 1.0, and I just looked at the changes in 1.5 and no changes have been made to any of the xml packages, so it appears to me it's still true. I don't have the source > 1.0 though.

在 1.0 的源代码中,各种解析器类中有以下注释:

In the 1.0 source code there's the following comments in various parser classes:

// TODO No XSchema support in Android 1.0. Maybe later.


So you'll have to bundle your own classes or skip schema validation altogether for now. It's probably not a high priority feature for them.

