攻击使用 SQL Server 数据库的 ASP 站点

Attack on ASP site that uses a SQL server database(攻击使用 SQL Server 数据库的 ASP 站点)

本文介绍了攻击使用 SQL Server 数据库的 ASP 站点的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我们有一个明显受到攻击的调查站点.这些症状与本网站以下页面上描述的相同:对 ASP.NET 网站的 XSS 攻击.

We have a survey site that was apparently attacked. The symptoms are identical to what was described on the following page on this site: XSS Attack on the ASP.NET Website.

我在我们的 IIS 日志中发现了多个包含恶意代码的条目:

I found multiple entries in our IIS logs that included the malicious code:

<脚本 src = http://google-stats49.info/ur.php >.

< / title> < script src = http : // google-stats49.info/ur.php >.

以下是 IIS 日志条目之一的 cs-uri-query 字段值示例.

Here is an example of the value of the cs-uri-query field for one of the IIS log entries.




I don't understand how the above code works but apparently this is what is being sent in a query string to corrupt columns in our database tables. We have shut down our site for the time being. We can remove the scripts from the database but that doesn't prevent it from being corrupted again when we bring the site back online.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to prevent this from happening?


这是一个 SQL 注入.

That's a SQL injection.

  1. 永远不要相信用户的输入.您正在接受输入并将其直接发送到数据库
  2. 永远不要相信您的用户输入!
  3. 对照允许值的白名单检查所有输入.
  4. 对于文本输入,请确保所有内容都被转义

关于这个主题有很多:Google 是你的朋友

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本文标题为:攻击使用 SQL Server 数据库的 ASP 站点