Delete Every Alternate Row in SQL(删除 SQL 中的每一行)
我需要清理一个包含三列的表,ID (uniqueidentifier)、Observation (nvarchar) 和 Timestamp (datetimeoffset).内容由两个传感器每隔 1 小时生成一次,两个传感器的 Observation 值相同.我的想法是做一个 SELECT 查询,例如
I need to clean up a table which has three columns, ID (uniqueidentifier), Observation (nvarchar), and Timestamp (datetimeoffset). The content is generated by two sensors at 1 hour interval, and the value of Observation is the same from the two sensors. My idea is to do a SELECT query such as
SELECT * FROM [Records] ORDER BY [Timestamp]
我在 SO 如何删除每个备用行上找到了这个在访问表中,但在这里并不真正适用,因为 ID 不是 Int 而是 UID.
I found this on SO how to delete every alternate row in access table, but doesn't really applies here as the ID is not Int but UID.
如果您使用的是 SQL Server 2005 或更高版本,则可以执行类似的操作.
If you are on SQL Server 2005 or later you can do something like this.
delete T
from (
select row_number() over(order by [Timestamp]) as rn
from YourTable
where SomeColumn = @SomeValue
) T
where T.rn % 2 = 0
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