UPDATE Syntax with ORDER BY, LIMIT and Multiple Tables (ORDER BY、LIMIT 和多个表的 UPDATE 语法)

本文介绍了ORDER BY、LIMIT 和多个表的 UPDATE 语法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


正在学习 SQL,如果这是初级的,请见谅.试图为以下伪代码找出一个有效的 UPDATE 解决方案:

Learning SQL, sorry if this is rudimentary. Trying to figure out a working UPDATE solution for the following pseudoish-code:

UPDATE tableA 
SET tableA.col1 = '$var'
WHERE tableA.user_id = tableB.id
AND tableB.username = '$varName'
ORDER BY tableA.datetime DESC LIMIT 1

上面更像是 SELECT 语法,但基本上是在尝试更新 tableA 的 latest row 中的单个列值,其中在 tableB.username 中找到用户名(由$varName表示)链接到它在tableB.id中的ID号,它作为id在tableA.user_id中存在.

The above is more like SELECT syntax, but am basically trying to update a single column value in the latest row of tableA, where a username found in tableB.username (represented by $varName) is linked to its ID number in tableB.id, which exists as the id in tableA.user_id.

希望这是有道理的.我猜想某种JOIN 是必要的,但子查询对于UPDATE 来说似乎很麻烦.我了解 ORDER BYLIMIT 在 UPDATE 中涉及多个表时是禁区......但我需要这个功能.有没有办法解决这个问题?

Hopefully, that makes sense. I'm guessing some kind of JOIN is necessary, but subqueries seem troublesome for UPDATE. I understand ORDER BY and LIMIT are off limits when multiple tables are involved in UPDATE... But I need the functionality. Is there a way around this?



解决方案是将 ORDER BY 和 LIMIT 嵌套在 FROM 子句中作为连接的一部分.这让您首先找到要更新的确切行 (ta.id),然后提交更新.

The solution is to nest ORDER BY and LIMIT in a FROM clause as part of a join. This let's you find the exact row to be updated (ta.id) first, then commit the update.

UPDATE tableA AS target
      SELECT ta.id
      FROM tableA AS ta
        INNER JOIN tableB AS tb ON tb.id = ta.user_id
        WHERE tb.username = '$varName'
        ORDER BY ta.datetime DESC
        LIMIT 1) AS source ON source.id = target.id
    SET col1 = '$var';

向 Baron Schwartz(又名 Xaprb)致敬,感谢他就这个确切主题发表了出色的文章:http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/08/10/how-to-use-order-by-and-limit-on-multi-table-updates-in-mysql/

Hat tip to Baron Schwartz, a.k.a. Xaprb, for the excellent post on this exact topic: http://www.xaprb.com/blog/2006/08/10/how-to-use-order-by-and-limit-on-multi-table-updates-in-mysql/

这篇关于ORDER BY、LIMIT 和多个表的 UPDATE 语法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:ORDER BY、LIMIT 和多个表的 UPDATE 语法