Strange foreign key behavior on empty tables in SQLite 3(SQLite 3中空表的奇怪外键行为)
我的 SQLite 3 具有以下设置(简化):
I have SQLite 3 with the following setup (simplified):
create table Location(LocationId integer not null,
LocationCode text not null,
primary key(LocationId),
create table Department(DepartmentId integer not null,
LocationId integer not null,
DepartmentCode text not null,
primary key(LocationId, DepartmentCode),
foreign key(LocationId) references Location(LocationId));
上表被 Child 引用:
The table above is being referenced by Child:
create table Event(EventId integer not null,
LocationId integer not null,
unique(LocationId, EventDate),
primary key(eventId),
foreign key(LocationId) references Location(LocationId));
create table Parent(ParentId integer not null,
EmailAddress text not null,
primary key(ParentId),
The table above is being referenced by table Child:
create table Child(ChildId integer not null,
ParentId integer not null,
ChildCode text not null,
DepartmentId integer not null,
primary key(ChildId, ParentId),
foreign key(ParentId) references Parent(ParentId),
foreign key(DepartmentId) references Department(DepartmentId));
The table child is the one I'm trying to delete from.
此时,整个数据库是空的,并且有pragma foreign_keys=ON".
At this point, the whole database is empty, and has "pragma foreign_keys=ON".
在测试清除数据库的脚本时,我在从空表 Child
中删除时遇到了错误,该表具有(也是空的)表 Parent
While testing a script to clear the database I encountered an error while deleting from the empty table Child
having a foreign key to the (also empty) table Parent
当我发出命令 delete from child
(虽然已经为空),SQLite3 会返回错误消息外键不匹配".
When I issue the command delete from child
(while is already empty), SQLite3 comes back with the error message "foreign keys mismatch".
This is the vital part of the delete script:
delete from Child;
delete from Parent;
delete from Event;
delete from Department;
delete from Location;
I saw some posts here about temporarily disabling foreign key support, but that does not make sense to me. That makes the whole process of implementing a foreign key relationship unnecessary.
The documentation (hidden in the source code) says:
外键约束要求父项中的键列table 共同受 UNIQUE 或 PRIMARY KEY 约束.[…]如果找不到所需的索引,可能是因为:
A foreign key constraint requires that the key columns in the parent table are collectively subject to a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. […] If the required index cannot be found, either because:
- 指定的父键列不存在,或
- 命名的父键列确实存在,但不受UNIQUE 或 PRIMARY KEY 约束,或
- 没有明确提供父键列作为外键定义,并且父表没有主键,或
- 没有明确提供父键列作为外键定义,以及父表的 PRIMARY KEY由与子键不同数量的列组成子表.
then … a "foreign key mismatch" error [is raised].
Error: foreign key mismatch
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX di ON Department(DepartmentId);
这篇关于SQLite 3中空表的奇怪外键行为的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:SQLite 3中空表的奇怪外键行为
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