How many significant digits should I store in my database for a GPS coordinate?(对于 GPS 坐标,我应该在数据库中存储多少位有效数字?)
我的 MySQL 数据库中有经度和纬度坐标(GPS 数据).
I have in my MySQL database both longitude and latitude coordinates (GPS data).
column type
geolat decimal(10,6)
geolng decimal(10,6)
问题:我真的需要像 decimal(10,6)
Question: Do I really need a data type as large as decimal(10,6)
to properly store coordinate data?
Since I have a combined index on the longitude and latitude, this index size is huge. If I can make it smaller without compromising anything, that would be great.
WGS84 基准面通常是以完全十进制表示法给出的坐标,通常有 5 个小数位,因此对于纬度(-90 到 +90),您可以使用小数(7、5)(-90.00000 到 90.00000),对于经度,您可以使用小数(8,5)(-180.00000 到 180.00000).
WGS84 datum are usually given as coordinates in a fully decimal notation, usually with 5 decimal places, so for latitude (-90 to +90) you could use decimal(7, 5) (-90.00000 to 90.00000), for longitude you could use decimal(8, 5) (-180.00000 to 180.00000).
.00001 在赤道处给出大约一米的精度
DECIMAL/NUMERIC 数据类型是一个固定精度的缩放整数 并且范围的正负部分始终可用 - 它们不会影响精度或比例(显然需要存储空间,但对于 DECIMAL,您无法选择)
The DECIMAL/NUMERIC data type is a fixed precision scaled integer and both positive and negative parts of the range are always available - they do not affect the precision or scale (there is obviously storage required for it, but you don't get a choice about that for DECIMAL)
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本文标题为:对于 GPS 坐标,我应该在数据库中存储多少位有效数字?
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