base64 encode in MySQL(MySQL中的base64编码)
我想从一个表中选择一个 blob col,base64 对其进行编码并将其插入到另一个表中.有什么方法可以做到这一点,而无需从数据库和我的应用程序中往返数据?
I want to select a blob col from one table, base64 encode it and insert it into another tables. Is there any way to do this without round tripping the data out of the DB and through my app?
我一直在寻找同样的东西,我刚刚看到 MySQL 5.6 有几个新的字符串函数支持这个功能:TO_BASE64 和 FROM_BASE64.
I was looking for the same thing and I've just seen that MySQL 5.6 has a couple of new string functions supporting this functionality: TO_BASE64 and FROM_BASE64.
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