Import CSV File Error : Column Value containing column delimiter(导入 CSV 文件错误:包含列分隔符的列值)
我正在尝试使用 SSIS 将 Csv 文件导入 SQL SERVER
I am trying to Import a Csv File into SQL SERVER using SSIS
Here's an example how data looks like
Joseph Jade,2005-01-01,1,Good listener,Male,Amy
Amy Jade,2006-01-01,1,Good in science,Female,Amy
Csv 列不包含文本限定符(引号)
Csv Columns are not containing text qualifiers (quotations)
我使用 SSIS 创建了一个简单的包将其导入 SQL,但有时 SQL 中的数据如下所示
I Created a simple package using SSIS to import it into SQL but sometime the data in SQL looked like below
Student_Name Student_DOB Student_ID Student_Notes Student_Gender Student_Mother_Name
Ali Jade 2004-01-01 1 Good listener Bad in science Male,Lisa
原因是有时 [Student_Notes] 列包含用作列分隔符的逗号 (,),因此未正确导入行
The Reason was that somtimes [Student_Notes] column contains Comma (,) that is used as column delimiter so the Row are not imported Correctly
警告:我不是一个普通的 C# 编码员.
A word of warning: I'm not a regular C# coder.
But anyway this code does the following:
它打开一个名为 C:Input.TXT 的文件
It opens a file called C:Input.TXT
它搜索每一行.如果该行有超过 5 个逗号,它会从倒数第三个字段(注释)中取出所有多余的逗号
It searches each line. If the line has more than 5 commas, it takes all the extra commas out of the third last field (notes)
它将结果写入 C:Output.TXT - 这是您实际需要导入的内容
It writes the result to C:Output.TXT - that's the one you need to actually import
There are many improvements that could be made:
- 从连接管理器获取文件路径
- 错误处理
- 经验丰富的 C# 程序员可能会在代码中完成此操作
Keep in mind your package will need write access to the appropriate folder
public void Main()
// Search the file and remove extra commas from the third last field
// Extended from code at
// Nick McDermaid
string sInputLine;
string sOutputLine;
string sDelimiter = ",";
String[] sData;
int iIndex;
// open the file for read
using (System.IO.FileStream inputStream = File.OpenRead("C:\Input.txt"))
using (StreamReader inputReader = new StreamReader(inputStream))
// open the output file
using (StreamWriter outputWriter = File.AppendText("C:\Output.txt"))
// Read each line
while (null != (sInputLine = inputReader.ReadLine()))
// Grab each field out
sData = sInputLine.Split(sDelimiter[0]);
if (sData.Length <= 6)
// 6 or less fields - just echo it out
sOutputLine = sInputLine;
// line has more than 6 pieces
// We assume all of the extra commas are in the notes field
// Put the first three fields together
sOutputLine =
sData[0] + sDelimiter +
sData[1] + sDelimiter +
sData[2] + sDelimiter;
// Put the middle notes fields together, excluding the delimiter
for (iIndex=3; iIndex <= sData.Length - 3; iIndex++)
sOutputLine = sOutputLine + sData[iIndex] + " ";
// Tack on the last two fields
sOutputLine = sOutputLine +
sDelimiter + sData[sData.Length - 2] +
sDelimiter + sData[sData.Length - 1];
// We've evaulted the correct line now write it out
Dts.TaskResult = (int)Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult.Success;
这篇关于导入 CSV 文件错误:包含列分隔符的列值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
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