mysqldump is not working in cron(mysqldump 在 cron 中不起作用)
首先,我在/home/username/ 中创建了 .my.cnf 并使用以下文本:
First, I created .my.cnf in /home/username/
with the following text:
<代码>[客户]用户 = 样本用户密码 = 样本密码主机 = 本地主机
Then, I executed the command below and it went successfully:
/usr/bin/mysqldump sample_table >home/username/backup_db/$(date +%F)_full.sql
但是,当我在 crontabs 中输入它时,它不起作用:
But, when I entered it in crontabs, it didn't worked:
0 0 * * */usr/bin/mysqldump sample_table >/home/username/backup_db/$(date +%F)_full.sql
I even tried changing the minutes and hour portion but still, it won't work.
您需要对百分号 (%) 进行转义,因为它在 crontab 条目中具有特殊含义,请改用 \%.
You need to escape the percent sign (%), as it has a special meaning in crontab entries, use \% instead.
这篇关于mysqldump 在 cron 中不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:mysqldump 在 cron 中不起作用
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