带有分页和计数的 SQL Server 查询

SQL Server query with pagination and count(带有分页和计数的 SQL Server 查询)

本文介绍了带有分页和计数的 SQL Server 查询的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I want to make a database query with pagination. So, I used a common-table expression and a ranked function to achieve this. Look at the example below.

declare @table table (name varchar(30));
insert into @table values ('Jeanna Hackman');
insert into @table values ('Han Fackler');
insert into @table values ('Tiera Wetherbee');
insert into @table values ('Hilario Mccray');
insert into @table values ('Mariela Edinger');
insert into @table values ('Darla Tremble');
insert into @table values ('Mammie Cicero');
insert into @table values ('Raisa Harbour');
insert into @table values ('Nicholas Blass');
insert into @table values ('Heather Hayashi');

declare @pagenumber int = 2;
declare @pagesize int = 3;
declare @total int;

with query as
    select name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY name ASC) as line from @table
select top (@pagesize) name from query
    where line > (@pagenumber - 1) * @pagesize

在这里,我可以指定@pagesize 和@pagenumber 变量来给我我想要的记录.但是,此示例(来自存储过程)用于在 Web 应用程序中进行网格分页.此 Web 应用程序需要显示页码.例如,如果数据库中有 12 条记录且页面大小为 3,那么我必须显示 4 个链接,每个链接代表一个页面.

Here, I can specify the @pagesize and @pagenumber variables to give me just the records that I want. However, this example (that comes from a stored procedure) is used to make a grid pagination in a web application. This web application requires to show the page numbers. For instance, if a have 12 records in the database and the page size is 3, then I'll have to show 4 links, each one representing a page.


But I can't do this without knowing how many records are there, and this example just gives me the subset of records.


Then I changed the stored procedure to return the count(*).

declare @pagenumber int = 2;
declare @pagesize int = 3;
declare @total int;
with query as
    select name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY name ASC) as line, total = count(*) over()from @table
select top (@pagesize) name, total from query
    where line > (@pagenumber - 1) * @pagesize


So, along with each line, it will show the total number of records. But I didn't like it.

我的问题是是否有更好的方法(性能)来做到这一点,也许设置 @total 变量而不在 SELECT 中返回此信息.或者这个总列不会对性能造成太大影响?

My question is if there's a better way (performance) to do this, maybe setting the @total variable without returning this information in the SELECT. Or is this total column something that won't harm the performance too much?



假设您使用的是 MSSQL 2012,您可以使用 Offset 和 Fetch,它极大地清理了服务器端分页.我们发现性能很好,而且在大多数情况下更好.至于获得总列数,只需使用内联下方的窗口函数......它不会包括'offset'和'fetch'施加的限制.

Assuming you are using MSSQL 2012, you can use Offset and Fetch which cleans up server-side paging greatly. We've found performance is fine, and in most cases better. As far as getting the total column count, just use the window function below inline...it will not include the limits imposed by 'offset' and 'fetch'.

对于 Row_Number,您可以按照您的方式使用窗口函数,但我建议您将该客户端计算为 (pagenumber*pagesize + resultsetRowNumber),因此如果您位于 10 个结果的第 5 页并且在第三行,您将输出第 53 行.

For Row_Number, you can use window functions the way you did, but I would recommend that you calculate that client side as (pagenumber*pagesize + resultsetRowNumber), so if you're on the 5th page of 10 results and on the third row you would output row 53.

当应用于包含大约 200 万个订单的 Orders 表时,我发现以下内容:

When applied to an Orders table with about 2 million orders, I found the following:


这在不到一秒钟的时间内运行了.它的好处是您可以在公共表表达式中进行一次过滤,它既适用于分页过程,也适用于计数.当 where 子句中有许多谓词时,这会使事情变得简单.

This ran in under a second. The nice thing about it is that you can do your filtering in the common table expression once and it applies both to the paging process and the count. When you have many predicates in the where clause, this keeps things simple.

declare @skipRows int = 25,
        @takeRows int = 100,
        @count int = 0

;WITH Orders_cte AS (
    SELECT OrderID
    FROM dbo.Orders

    tCountOrders.CountOrders AS TotalRows
FROM Orders_cte
    CROSS JOIN (SELECT Count(*) AS CountOrders FROM Orders_cte) AS tCountOrders


这花了大约 10 秒,导致缓慢的是 Count(*).我很惊讶这太慢了,但我怀疑它只是在计算每一行的总数.不过它很干净.

This took about 10 sec, and it was the Count(*) that caused the slowness. I'm surprised this is so slow, but I suspect it's simply calculating the total for each row. It's very clean though.

declare @skipRows int = 25,
@takeRows int = 100,
@count int = 0

    Count(*) Over() AS TotalRows
FROM Location.Orders



We've gone through this performance tuning process before and actually found that it depended on the query, predicates used, and indexes involved. For instance, the second we introduced a view it chugged, so we actually query off the base table and then join up the view (which includes the base table) and it actually performs very well.


I would suggest having a couple of straight-forward strategies and applying them to high-value queries that are chugging.

这篇关于带有分页和计数的 SQL Server 查询的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:带有分页和计数的 SQL Server 查询