Retreive a list of private procedures/functions from a package body(从包体中检索私有过程/函数的列表)
I want to obtain a list with all private procedures/functions from a package body.
For public object it is easy but I have no idea how to do that for private objects.
私有函数的本质是它们是私有的.默认情况下没有公开它们的数据字典视图.USER_PROCEDURES 和 USER_ARGUMENTS 仅显示公共过程的信息(在包 spec0 中定义的那些.
The nature of private functions is that they are private. There are no data dictionary views which expose them by default. USER_PROCEDURES and USER_ARGUMENTS only show information for public procedures (the ones defined in a package spec0.
但是,我们可以使用 PL/SCOPE 获取有关它们的信息,但这样做需要一些额外的努力:
However, we can get information about them using PL/SCOPE, but doing so requires a little bit of additional effort:
SQL>更改会话集 plscope_settings='IDENTIFIERS:ALL';
SQL>alter package your_package 编译体;
Now you can find your private program units with this query:
select ui.type,, ui.usage_id
from user_identifiers ui
where ui.object_name = 'YOUR_PACKAGE'
and ui.usage = 'DEFINITION'
and ui.type in ('PROCEDURE', 'FUNCTION')
( select 'PROCEDURE', upr.procedure_name
from user_procedures upr
where upr.object_name = 'YOUR_PACKAGE'
select 'FUNCTION', uarg.object_name
from user_arguments uarg
where uarg.package_name = 'YOUR_PACKAGE'
and uarg.position = 0
要获取私有过程的参数,请将上一个查询中的 USAGE_ID 插入此查询:
To get the arguments of a private procedure plug the USAGE_ID from the previous query into this query:
, ui.type
, ui.usage_id
, ui2.type as param_datatype
from user_identifiers ui
left join user_identifiers ui2
on ui2.usage_context_id = ui.usage_id
where ui.object_name = 'YOUR_PACKAGE'
and ui.usage = 'DECLARATION'
and ui.usage_context_id = :private_proc_usage_id
这需要是左连接,因为 user_identifiers
This needs to be a left join because user_identifiers
has datatype entries for scalar datatypes (character, number, date, clob) but not complex datatypes (xmltype, user-defined types).
我们可以从 PL/SCOPE 中获得大量有关过程的信息,尽管它不像查询 USER_PROCEDURES 或 USER_ARGUMENTS 那样简单(事实上,它非常笨拙).了解更多.请注意,PL/SCOPE 数据存储在 SYSAUX 表空间中,因此不要与 DBA 陷入困境!
We can get lots of information about procedures from PL/SCOPE, even though it is not as easy as querying USER_PROCEDURES or USER_ARGUMENTS (in fact, it is surprisingly clunky). Find out more. Be aware that PL/SCOPE data is stored on the SYSAUX tablespace, so don't get into hot water with your DBA!
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