为什么 MYSQL DB 在对 Django models.DateTimeField 进行平均时返回损坏的值?

Why does MYSQL DB return a corrupted value when averaging over a Django models.DateTimeField?(为什么 MYSQL DB 在对 Django models.DateTimeField 进行平均时返回损坏的值?)

本文介绍了为什么 MYSQL DB 在对 Django models.DateTimeField 进行平均时返回损坏的值?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在 MySQL(实际上是 MariaDB)数据库上运行 Django 应用程序.

I'm running a Django application on top of a MySQL (actually MariaDB) database.

我的 Django 模型如下所示:

My Django Model looks like this:

from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Avg, Max, Min, Count

class myModel(models.Model):
    my_string = models.CharField(max_length=32,)
    my_date = models.DateTimeField()

    def get_stats():            

当我运行 get_stats() 时,我得到以下日志行:

When I run get_stats(), I get the following log line:

[2015-06-21 09:45:40] INFO [all_logs:96] [{'my_string': u'A', 'count': 2, 'avg': 20080507582679.5, 'min': datetime.datetime(2007, 8, 2, 11, 33, 53, tzinfo=<UTC>), 'max': datetime.datetime(2009, 2, 13, 5, 20, 6, tzinfo=<UTC>)}]

我遇到的问题是数据库返回的 my_date 字段的平均值是:20080507582679.5.仔细看看那个数字.这是无效的日期格式.

The problem I have with this is that the average of the my_date field returned by the database is: 20080507582679.5. Look carefully at that number. It is an invalid date format.

为什么数据库没有为这两个日期的平均值返回一个有效值?如果描述的方式失败,我如何获得该字段的实际平均值?Django DateTimeField 是否未设置为处理平均?

Why doesn't the database return a valid value for the average of these two dates? How do I get the actual average of this field if the way described fails? Is Django DateTimeField not setup to do handle averaging?



答:返回的值是预期的,它是明确定义的 MySQL 行为.

A: The value returned is expected, it's well defined MySQL behavior.


MySQL automatically converts a date or time value to a number if the value is used in a numeric context and vice versa.

MySQL 参考手册:https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/date-and-time-types.html

MySQL Reference Manual: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/date-and-time-types.html

在 MySQL 中,AVG 聚合函数对 numeric 值进行操作.

In MySQL, the AVG aggregate function operates on numeric values.

在 MySQL 中,DATEDATETIME 表达式可以在 numeric 上下文.

In MySQL, a DATE or DATETIME expression can be evaluated in a numeric context.

作为一个简单的演示,对 DATETIME 执行 numeric 加法运算会将日期时间值隐式转换为数字.这个查询:

As a simple demonstration, performing an numeric addition operation on a DATETIME implicitly converts the datetime value into a number. This query:



  NOW()                                NOW()+0  
  -------------------  -----------------------
  2015-06-23 17:57:48    20150623175748.000000

请注意,表达式 NOW()+0 的返回值不是 DATETIME,它是一个数字.

Note that the value returned for the expression NOW()+0 is not a DATETIME, it's a number.

当您在 DATETIME 表达式上指定 SUM()AVG() 函数时,这相当于转换 DATETIME 变成一个数字,然后求和或取平均值.

When you specify a SUM() or AVG() function on a DATETIME expression, that's equivalent to converting the DATETIME into a number, and then summing or averaging the number.


That is, the return from this expression AVG(mydatetimecol) is equivalent to the return from this expression: AVG(mydatetimecol+0)


What is being "averaged" is a numeric value. And you have observed, the value returned is not a valid datetime; and even in cases where it happens to look like a valid datetime, it's likely not a value you would consider a true "average".



A2: One way to do that is to convert the datetime into a numeric value that can be "accurately" averaged, and then convert that back into a datetime.


For example, you could convert the datetime into a numeric value representing a number of seconds from some fixed point in time, e.g.



You could then "average" those values, to get an average number of seconds from a fixed point in time. (NOTE: beware of adding up an extremely large number of rows, with extremely large values, and exceeding the limit (maximum numeric value), numeric overflow issues.)



To convert that back to a datetime, add that value as a number of seconds back to a the fixed point in time:

  '2015-01-01' + INTERVAL AVG(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,'2015-01-01',t.my_date)) SECOND

(请注意,DATEIME 值是在 MySQL 会话的时区中评估的;因此在某些极端情况下,MySQL 会话中的 time_zone 变量的设置将对返回的值有一定的影响.)

(Note that the DATEIME values are evaluated in the timezone of the MySQL session; so there are edge cases where the setting of the time_zone variable in the MySQL session will have some influence on the value returned.)

MySQL 还提供了一个 UNIX_TIMESTAMP() 函数,它返回一个 unix 样式的整数值,即从纪元开始(UTC 时间 1970 年 1 月 1 日午夜)开始的秒数.您可以使用它来更简洁地完成相同的操作:

MySQL also provides a UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function which returns a unix-style integer value, number of seconds from the beginning of the era (midnight Jan. 1, 1970 UTC). You can use that to accomplish the same operation more concisely:


请注意,这个最终表达式实际上是在做同样的事情...将日期时间值转换为自 '1970-01-01 00:00:00' UTC 以来的秒数,取其数值平均值,然后将该平均秒数添加回 '1970-01-01' UTC,最后将其转换回 DATETIME 值,以当前会话 time_zone 表示.

Note that this final expression is really doing the same thing... converting the datetime value into a number of seconds since '1970-01-01 00:00:00' UTC, taking a numeric average of that, and then adding that average number of seconds back to '1970-01-01' UTC, and finally converting that back to a DATETIME value, represented in the current session time_zone.

Q3:Django DateTimeField 是否未设置为处理平均?

答: 显然,Django 的作者对从数据库返回的 SQL 表达式 AVG(datetime) 的值感到满意.

A: Apparently, the authors of Django are satisfied with the value returned from the database for a SQL expression AVG(datetime).

这篇关于为什么 MYSQL DB 在对 Django models.DateTimeField 进行平均时返回损坏的值?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:为什么 MYSQL DB 在对 Django models.DateTimeField 进行平均时返回损坏的值?