How to insert a file in MySQL database?(如何在MySQL数据库中插入文件?)
我想使用网络服务在驻留在远程网络服务器上的 MYSQL 数据库中插入一个文件.
I want to insert a file in MYSQL database residing on a remote webserver using a webservice.
我的问题是:什么类型的表列(例如 varchar 等)将存储文件?如果是文件,插入语句会有所不同吗?
My question is: What type of table column (e.g. varchar, etc.) will store a file? And will the insert statement be somewhat different in case of a file?
BLOB 数据类型最适合存储文件.
The BLOB datatype is best for storing files.
- 参见:如何存储 .pdf使用 PHP 将文件作为 BLOB 导入 MySQL?
- MySQL BLOB 参考手册 有一些有趣的评论
- See: How to store .pdf files into MySQL as BLOBs using PHP?
- The MySQL BLOB reference manual has some interesting comments
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