MySQL treats #197;#196;#214; as AAO?(MySQL 将 视为 AAO?)
These two querys gives me the exact same result:
select * from topics where name='Harligt';
select * from topics where name='Härligt';
这怎么可能?似乎 mysql 在搜索时将 åäö 转换为 aao.有什么办法可以关闭它吗?
How is this possible? Seems like mysql translates åäö to aao when it searches. Is there some way to turn this off?
据我所知,我在任何地方都使用 utf-8 编码.终端和php都出现同样的问题.
I use utf-8 encoding everywhere as far as i know. The same problem occurs both from terminal and from php.
是的,这是非特定于语言的 unicode 排序规则中的标准行为.
Yes, this is standard behaviour in the non-language-specific unicode collations. 字符集
为了进一步说明,以下等式在 utf8_general_ci 和 utf8_unicode_ci 中都成立(有关在比较或进行搜索时的效果,请参阅第 节,整理效果示例"):
To further illustrate, the following equalities hold in both utf8_general_ci and utf8_unicode_ci (for the effect this has in comparisons or when doing searches, see Section, "Examples of the Effect of Collation"):
Ä = AÖ = Oü = U
Ä = A Ö = O Ü = U
use a collation that doesn't have this "feature" (namely
, but that has other consequences)
use a different collation for the query only. This should work:
select * from topics where name='Harligt' COLLATE utf8_bin;
如果你想做一个不区分大小写的 LIKE
但不有 Ä = A
元音转换,这会变得更加困难.我知道没有不区分大小写的 mySQL 排序规则,并且不会进行这种隐式变音转换.如果有人知道,我很想听听.
it becomes more difficult if you want to do a case insensitive LIKE
but not have the Ä = A
umlaut conversion. I know no mySQL collation that is case insensitive and does not do this kind of implicit umlaut conversion. If anybody knows one, I'd be interested to hear about it.
- 寻找不区分大小写的 MySQL 排序规则 where a" != "ä"
- MYSQL 区分大小写搜索 utf8_bin 字段莉>
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本文标题为:MySQL 将 ÅÄÖ 视为 AAO?
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