如何在亚马逊 RDS 上“加载数据文件"?

how to #39;load data infile#39; on amazon RDS?(如何在亚马逊 RDS 上“加载数据文件?)

本文介绍了如何在亚马逊 RDS 上“加载数据文件"?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


不确定这是否是一个更适合 serverfault 的问题,但我最近一直在使用 amazon RDS,并且无法将文件"权限授予我的网络主机 mysql 用户.

not sure if this is a question better suited for serverfault but I've been messing with amazon RDS lately and was having trouble getting 'file' privileges to my web host mysql user.


grant file on *.* to 'webuser@'%';


would work but it does not and I can't seem to do it with my 'root' user as well. What gives? The reason we use load data is because it is super super fast for doing thousands of inserts at once.


anyone know how to remedy this or do I need to find a different way?

此页面,http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonRDS/latest/DeveloperGuide/index.html?Concepts.DBInstance.html 似乎表明我需要找到一种不同的方法来解决这个问题.

This page, http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonRDS/latest/DeveloperGuide/index.html?Concepts.DBInstance.html seems to suggest that I need to find a different way around this.



UPDATE I'm not trying to import a database -- I just want to use the file load option to insert several hundred-thousand rows at a time.


after digging around this is what we have:

 mysql> grant file on *.* to 'devuser'@'%';
 ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'%' (using password: YES)

 mysql> select User, File_priv, Grant_priv, Super_priv from mysql.user;
 | User     | File_priv | Grant_priv | Super_priv |
 | rdsadmin | Y         | Y          | Y          |
 | root     | N         | Y          | N          |
 | devuser  | N         | N          | N          |


您需要使用 LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE 因为该文件不在 MySQL 服务器上,而是在您正在运行的机器上来自的命令.

You need to use LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE as the file is not on the MySQL server, but is on the machine you are running the command from.


As per comment below you may also need to include the flag:


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本文标题为:如何在亚马逊 RDS 上“加载数据文件"?