Oracle: loading a large xml file?(Oracle:加载一个大的 xml 文件?)
现在我有大量感兴趣的 XML 数据:
So now that I have a large bit of XML data I'm interested in:
我想将它加载到 Oracle 中使用.
I'd like to load this into Oracle to play with.
如何将大型 XML 文件直接加载到 Oracle 中?欢迎使用服务器端解决方案(可以在服务器上打开数据文件)和客户端解决方案.
How can I directly load a large XML file directly into Oracle? Server-side solutions (where the data file can be opened on the server) and client-side solutions welcomed.
Here's a bit of badges.xml for a concrete example.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<row UserId="3718" Name="Teacher" Date="2008-09-15T08:55:03.923"/>
<row UserId="994" Name="Teacher" Date="2008-09-15T08:55:03.957"/>
您可以通过 SQL 访问服务器上的 XML 文件.使用/tmp/tmp.xml 中的数据,您首先要声明目录:
You can access the XML files on the server via SQL. With your data in the /tmp/tmp.xml, you would first declare the directory:
SQL> create directory d as '/tmp';
Directory created
然后您可以直接查询您的 XML 文件:
You could then query your XML File directly:
SQL> SELECT XMLTYPE(bfilename('D', 'tmp.xml'), nls_charset_id('UTF8')) xml_data
2 FROM dual;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
要访问文件中的字段,您可以使用 另一个 SO 例如:
To access the fields in your file, you could use the method described in another SO for example:
SQL> SELECT UserId, Name, to_timestamp(dt, 'YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH24:MI:SS.FF3') dt
2 FROM (SELECT XMLTYPE(bfilename('D', 'tmp.xml'),
nls_charset_id('UTF8')) xml_data
3 FROM dual),
4 XMLTable('for $i in /badges/row
5 return $i'
6 passing xml_data
7 columns UserId NUMBER path '@UserId',
8 Name VARCHAR2(50) path '@Name',
9 dt VARCHAR2(25) path '@Date');
---------- ---------- ---------------------------
3718 Teacher 2008-09-15 08:55:03.923
994 Teacher 2008-09-15 08:55:03.957
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