SQL Server 2008 空字符串与空间

SQL Server 2008 Empty String vs. Space(SQL Server 2008 空字符串与空间)

本文介绍了SQL Server 2008 空字符串与空间的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I ran into something a little odd this morning and thought I'd submit it for commentary.

有人可以解释为什么以下 SQL 查询在针对 SQL 2008 运行时打印相等".数据库兼容性级别设置为 100.

Can someone explain why the following SQL query prints 'equal' when run against SQL 2008. The db compatibility level is set to 100.

if '' = ' '
    print 'equal'
    print 'not equal'

这将返回 0:

select (LEN(' '))

它似乎是自动修剪空间.我不知道在以前版本的 SQL Server 中是否也是这种情况,我什至没有任何地方可以测试它.

It appears to be auto trimming the space. I have no idea if this was the case in previous versions of SQL Server, and I no longer have any around to even test it.


I ran into this because a production query was returning incorrect results. I cannot find this behavior documented anywhere.


Does anyone have any information on this?


varchar 和相等在 TSQL 中是棘手的.LEN 函数说:

varchars and equality are thorny in TSQL. The LEN function says:


Returns the number of characters, rather than the number of bytes, of the given string expression, excluding trailing blanks.

您需要使用DATALENGTH 来获得相关数据的真实byte 计数.如果你有unicode数据,注意你在这种情况下得到的值和文本的长度是不一样的.

You need to use DATALENGTH to get a true byte count of the data in question. If you have unicode data, note that the value you get in this situation will not be the same as the length of the text.

print(DATALENGTH(' ')) --1
print(LEN(' '))        --0


When it comes to equality of expressions, the two strings are compared for equality like this:

  • 获取更短的字符串
  • 用空格填充直到长度等于更长的字符串
  • 比较两者
  • Get Shorter string
  • Pad with blanks until length equals that of longer string
  • Compare the two

这是导致意外结果的中间步骤 - 在该步骤之后,您有效地将空白与空白进行比较 - 因此它们被视为相等.

It's the middle step that is causing unexpected results - after that step, you are effectively comparing whitespace against whitespace - hence they are seen to be equal.

LIKE 在空白"情况下比 = 表现得更好,因为它不会对您尝试匹配的模式执行空白填充:

LIKE behaves better than = in the "blanks" situation because it doesn't perform blank-padding on the pattern you were trying to match:

if '' = ' '
print 'eq'
print 'ne'

将给 eq 同时:

if '' LIKE ' '
print 'eq'
print 'ne'

会给 ne

小心 LIKE 虽然:它不是对称的:它将尾随空格视为模式 (RHS) 中的重要内容,而不是匹配表达式 (LHS).以下内容摘自此处:

Careful with LIKE though: it is not symmetrical: it treats trailing whitespace as significant in the pattern (RHS) but not the match expression (LHS). The following is taken from here:

declare @Space nvarchar(10)
declare @Space2 nvarchar(10)

set @Space = ''
set @Space2 = ' '

if @Space like @Space2
print '@Space Like @Space2'
print '@Space Not Like @Space2'

if @Space2 like @Space
print '@Space2 Like @Space'
print '@Space2 Not Like @Space'

@Space Not Like @Space2
@Space2 Like @Space

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本文标题为:SQL Server 2008 空字符串与空间