how to skip duplicate records when importing in phpmyadmin(在phpmyadmin中导入时如何跳过重复记录)
I have a db on my local machine and I want to import the data to the db on my hosting. Both db's are identical, the same table names
, column names
, etc.
当我通过 phpmyadmin
它通过我主机上的 phpmyadmin 时,会弹出一个错误,告诉我primary key
When I export
the table from my local db through phpmyadmin
and import
it through phpmyadmin on my hosting an error pops up telling me that there are duplicate entries for the primary key
and stops the whole operation.
How can I import the data through phpmyadmin, skip the duplicate entries, and display a list of the duplicates at the end of the process?
我可以做的一个解决方案是在我的主机上调用数据库中主键的所有值,并在导入之前过滤重复项.但我想知道 phpmyadmin 是否有快速解决方案?
A solution that I can do is call all the values of the primary key in the db at my hosting and filter the duplicates before import. BUT I am wondering if there is a quick solution for this with phpmyadmin?
在 phpMyAdmin 的 Settings 选项卡中,您可以尝试检查以下值:
In phpMyAdmin , in Settings tab, you can try checking the following values:
- 设置 -> SQL 查询 -> 忽略多个语句错误
如果您使用的是 CSV 格式:
If you are using CSV format:
- 设置 -> 导入 -> CSV -> 不要因插入错误而中止
如果您使用的是 SQL 格式:
If you are using SQL format:
- 设置 -> 导出 -> SQL -> 使用忽略插入

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