Why task cancellation takes so long in Flurl.Http DownloadFileAsync / HttpClient GetAsync(为什么Flurl.Http DownloadFileAsync/Http客户端GetAsync需要这么长时间才能取消任务)
在编写从服务器并行下载图像的类时(使用由DataFlow TPL库支持的消费者/生产者模式),使用ActionBlock
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Flurl.Http;
const string imageSource = "https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png";
const int defaultCount = 100;
var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
int completed = 0;
int failed = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Flurl.DownloadFileAsync Cancellation test!");
Console.Write($"Number of downloads ({defaultCount}): ");
var input = Console.ReadLine();
if (!int.TryParse(input, out var count))
count = defaultCount;
Console.WriteLine($"Will spawn {count} parallel downloads of '{imageSource}'");
CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
List<Task> tasks = new();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Hit anything to cancel...");
log("Cancelling pending downloads");
var cancelMoment = watch.Elapsed;
log("Downloads cancelled. Program ended!");
Console.WriteLine($"### Total cancellation time: {watch.Elapsed - cancelMoment} -> Completed: {completed}, Failed/Cancelled: {failed}");
async Task Download(int i) {
var fn = $"test_{i}.png";
try {
await imageSource.DownloadFileAsync(fn, cancellationToken: cts.Token);
Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
log($"DONE: {fn}");
} catch(Exception e) {
Interlocked.Increment(ref failed);
log($"# ERROR: {fn}/r/n >> {e.Message}");
void log(string s) => Console.WriteLine($"{watch.Elapsed}- {s}");
async Task Download(int i) {
var fn = $"test_{i}.png";
try {
var r = await client.GetAsync(imageSource, cancellationToken: cts.Token);
using var httpStm = await r.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync(cts.Token);
var file = new FileInfo(fn);
using var f = file.OpenWrite();
await httpStm.CopyToAsync(f, cts.Token);
Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
log($"DONE: {fn}");
} catch(Exception e) {
Interlocked.Increment(ref failed);
log($"# ERROR: {fn}/r/n >> {e.Message}");
async Task Download(int i) {
var fn = $"test_{i}.png";
try {
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1), cts.Token);
Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
log($"DONE: {fn}");
} catch (Exception e) {
Interlocked.Increment(ref failed);
log($"# ERROR: {fn}/r/n >> {e.Message}");
Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray(), cts.Token);
Flurl.DownloadFileAsync Cancellation test!
Number of downloads (100):
Will spawn 100 parallel downloads of 'https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/1x/googlelogo_color_272x92dp.png'
Hit anything to cancel...
00:00:03.8603945- DONE: test_3.png
00:00:03.8603937- DONE: test_41.png
00:00:03.8603967- DONE: test_12.png
00:00:03.8603920- DONE: test_22.png
00:00:03.8640374- DONE: test_27.png
00:00:03.8651895- DONE: test_57.png
00:00:03.8652114- DONE: test_64.png
00:00:03.8652039- DONE: test_1.png
00:00:03.8652149- DONE: test_10.png
00:00:03.8652222- DONE: test_0.png
00:00:03.8653910- DONE: test_2.png
00:00:03.8865928- DONE: test_28.png
00:00:03.8990767- DONE: test_11.png
00:00:03.8993285- DONE: test_20.png
00:00:03.9048105- DONE: test_6.png
00:00:03.9056048- DONE: test_68.png
00:00:03.9067027- DONE: test_69.png
00:00:03.9075434- DONE: test_54.png
00:00:03.9094678- DONE: test_5.png
00:00:03.9166961- DONE: test_50.png
00:00:03.9169709- DONE: test_13.png
00:00:03.9185492- DONE: test_87.png
00:00:03.9298495- DONE: test_7.png
00:00:03.9326280- DONE: test_43.png
00:00:03.9327424- DONE: test_33.png
00:00:03.9357554- DONE: test_45.png
00:00:03.9363720- DONE: test_37.png
00:00:03.9386855- DONE: test_30.png
00:00:03.9393222- DONE: test_95.png
00:00:03.9427672- DONE: test_14.png
00:00:03.9463875- DONE: test_84.png
00:00:03.9487063- DONE: test_34.png
00:00:03.9488809- DONE: test_80.png
00:00:03.9493661- DONE: test_90.png
00:00:03.9533510- DONE: test_17.png
00:00:03.9550988- DONE: test_85.png
00:00:03.9559576- DONE: test_71.png
00:00:03.9559739- DONE: test_31.png
00:00:03.9581015- DONE: test_52.png
00:00:03.9595559- DONE: test_89.png
00:00:03.9596396- DONE: test_61.png
00:00:03.9604608- DONE: test_36.png
00:00:03.9605789- DONE: test_26.png
00:00:03.9643205- DONE: test_25.png
00:00:03.9708155- DONE: test_18.png
00:00:03.9712862- DONE: test_39.png
00:00:03.9780414- DONE: test_98.png
00:00:03.9782002- DONE: test_42.png
00:00:03.9788898- DONE: test_48.png
00:00:03.9844171- DONE: test_15.png
00:00:03.9856963- DONE: test_16.png
00:00:03.9862520- DONE: test_96.png
00:00:03.9923971- DONE: test_58.png
00:00:03.9944836- DONE: test_59.png
00:00:04.0070565- DONE: test_40.png
00:00:04.0093207- DONE: test_29.png
00:00:04.0119729- DONE: test_55.png
00:00:04.0148981- DONE: test_24.png
00:00:04.0163724- DONE: test_32.png
00:00:04.0173879- DONE: test_9.png
00:00:04.0191403- DONE: test_46.png
00:00:04.0426426- DONE: test_23.png
00:00:04.0549689- DONE: test_81.png
00:00:04.0550977- DONE: test_4.png
00:00:04.0554659- DONE: test_63.png
00:00:04.1206750- DONE: test_21.png
00:00:04.1207557- DONE: test_44.png
00:00:04.1773007- DONE: test_65.png
00:00:04.1854760- DONE: test_62.png
00:00:04.1854846- DONE: test_38.png
00:00:04.1883149- Cancelling pending downloads
00:00:04.2348932- # ERROR: test_19.png/r/n >> A task was canceled.
00:00:04.2757044- # ERROR: test_35.png/r/n >> A task was canceled.
00:00:04.2757328- # ERROR: test_8.png/r/n >> A task was canceled.
00:00:04.2759605- # ERROR: test_56.png/r/n >> A task was canceled.
00:00:04.2763499- Downloads cancelled. Program ended!
### Total cancellation time: 00:00:00.0954826 -> Completed: 70, Failed/Cancelled: 4
00:00:04.2845926- # ERROR: test_70.png/r/n >> A task was canceled.
这篇关于为什么Flurl.Http DownloadFileAsync/Http客户端GetAsync需要这么长时间才能取消任务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:为什么Flurl.Http DownloadFileAsync/Http客户端GetAsync需要
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