Is it possible to use query parameters to fill the IN keyword(是否可以使用查询参数填充IN关键字)
Imagine a table with GUIDs as primary key. I would like to select a few of these rows based on their primary key. I would like to use a query like:
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE id IN ('firstguidhere','secondguidhere');
I am using ADO.NET to query the database, so I would like to use a parametrized query instead of dynamic sql, which would obviously work, but I want to retain the benefits of parametrized queries (security, escaping, etc...).
Is it possible to fill the collection for the IN-clause using sql-parameters?
You could pass the list of GUIDs as a comma-separated string parameter and use a table-valued UDF to split them into a table to use in your IN
FROM my_table
WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM dbo.SplitCSVToTable(@MyCSVParam))
Erland Sommarskog has an interesting article with examples of how to split comma-separated strings into tables using a UDF.
(For performance reasons, you should ensure that your UDF is inline table-valued, rather than multi-statement.)
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