What#39;s a good, generic algorithm for collapsing a set of potentially-overlapping ranges?(用于折叠一组可能重叠的范围的好的通用算法是什么?)
I have a method that gets a number of objects of this class
class Range<T>
public T Start;
public T End;
是 DateTime
,但为了简单起见,我们使用 int
In my case T
is DateTime
, but lets use int
for simplicity. I would like a method that collapses those ranges into ones that cover the same "area" but that do not overlap.
- 1 到 5
- 3 到 9
- 11 至 15
- 12 至 14
- 13 到 20
- 1 到 9
- 11 至 20
Guess it would be called a union? I imagine the method signature could look something like this:
public static IEnumerable<Range<T>> Collapse<T>(
this IEnumerable<Range<T>>,
IComparable<T> comparer)
我在这里查看了其他一些类似的问题,但我还没有找到它的实现.这个答案 和同一问题的其他一些答案描述了算法,但我不太确定我是否理解这些算法.也不是特别擅长实现算法,所以我希望这里有人可以帮助我.
I have looked at some other questions here that are kind of similar, but I haven't found an implementation of this yet. This answer and some other answers to the same question describes algorithms, but I am not quite sure if I understand the algorithms. Not especially good at implementing algorithms either, so I was hoping someone here could help me out.
This seems to works and is easy to understand.
public static IEnumerable<Range<T>> Collapse<T>(this IEnumerable<Range<T>> me, IComparer<T> comparer)
List<Range<T>> orderdList = me.OrderBy(r => r.Start).ToList();
List<Range<T>> newList = new List<Range<T>>();
T max = orderdList[0].End;
T min = orderdList[0].Start;
foreach (var item in orderdList.Skip(1))
if (comparer.Compare(item.End, max) > 0 && comparer.Compare(item.Start, max) > 0)
newList.Add(new Range<T> { Start = min, End = max });
min = item.Start;
max = comparer.Compare(max, item.End) > 0 ? max : item.End;
newList.Add(new Range<T>{Start=min,End=max});
return newList;
Here is the variation which I mentioned in the comments. It's basically the same thing, but with some checking and yielding of the results instead of collecting in a list before returning.
public static IEnumerable<Range<T>> Collapse<T>(this IEnumerable<Range<T>> ranges, IComparer<T> comparer)
if(ranges == null || !ranges.Any())
yield break;
if (comparer == null)
comparer = Comparer<T>.Default;
var orderdList = ranges.OrderBy(r => r.Start);
var firstRange = orderdList.First();
T min = firstRange.Start;
T max = firstRange.End;
foreach (var current in orderdList.Skip(1))
if (comparer.Compare(current.End, max) > 0 && comparer.Compare(current.Start, max) > 0)
yield return Create(min, max);
min = current.Start;
max = comparer.Compare(max, current.End) > 0 ? max : current.End;
yield return Create(min, max);
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