如何将布尔值保存到 PlayerPrefs Unity

How to save bool to PlayerPrefs Unity(如何将布尔值保存到 PlayerPrefs Unity)

本文介绍了如何将布尔值保存到 PlayerPrefs Unity的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a payment system for my game set up here's my code :

 void Start()
     T55.interactable = false;
     Tiger2.interactable = false;
     Cobra.interactable = false;

 public void ProcessPurchase (ShopItem item)
     if(item .SKU =="tank")
         StoreHandler .Instance .Consume (item );

 public void OnConsumeFinished (ShopItem item)
     if(item .SKU =="tank")
         T55.interactable = true;
         Tiger2.interactable = true;
         Cobra.interactable = true;

现在,每次玩家在游戏中购买东西时,我的 3 个按钮的难处理性都会变为现实;但问题是每次他关闭游戏时,难处理性都会回到错误的方式.

Now each time the player buy something in the game the intractability of my 3 buttons goes to true; but the problem is each time he closes the game the intractability goes back to false how.

我应该保存这个过程,这样玩家就不必再次购买来将它们设置为 true 吗?

Should I save the process so the player doesn't have to buy again to set them back to true?


PlayerPrefs 确实没有布尔类型的重载.它只支持字符串、整数和浮点数.

PlayerPrefs does not have an overload for a boolean type. It only supports string, int and float.

您需要创建一个函数,将 true 转换为 1 并将 false 转换为 0 然后 PlayerPrefs.SetIntPlayerPrefs.GetInt 采用 int 类型的重载.

You need to make a function that converts true to 1 and false to 0 then the the PlayerPrefs.SetInt and PlayerPrefs.GetInt overload that takes int type.


int boolToInt(bool val)
    if (val)
        return 1;
        return 0;

bool intToBool(int val)
    if (val != 0)
        return true;
        return false;

现在,您可以轻松地将 bool 保存到 PlayerPrefs.

Now, you can easily save bool to PlayerPrefs.

void saveData()
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("T55", boolToInt(T55.interactable));
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Tiger2", boolToInt(T55.interactable));
    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Cobra", boolToInt(T55.interactable));

void loadData()
    T55.interactable = intToBool(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("T55", 0));
    Tiger2.interactable = intToBool(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Tiger2", 0));
    Cobra.interactable = intToBool(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Cobra", 0));

如果您要保存许多变量,请使用 Json 和 PlayerPrefs 而不是单独保存和加载它们.这里是如何做到这一点的.

If you have many variables to save, use Json and PlayerPrefs instead of saving and loading them individually. Here is how to do that.

这篇关于如何将布尔值保存到 PlayerPrefs Unity的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:如何将布尔值保存到 PlayerPrefs Unity