我可以从 DirectorySearcher 获得超过 1000 条记录吗?

Can I get more than 1000 records from a DirectorySearcher?(我可以从 DirectorySearcher 获得超过 1000 条记录吗?)

本文介绍了我可以从 DirectorySearcher 获得超过 1000 条记录吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚注意到结果的返回列表限制为 1000.我的域(HUGE 域)中有超过 1000 个组.如何获得超过 1000 条记录?我可以从以后的记录开始吗?我可以把它分成多个搜索吗?

I just noticed that the return list for results is limited to 1000. I have more than 1000 groups in my domain (HUGE domain). How can I get more than 1000 records? Can I start at a later record? Can I cut it up into multiple searches?


DirectoryEntry dirEnt = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://dhuba1kwtn004");
string[] loadProps = new string[] { "cn", "samaccountname", "name", "distinguishedname" };
DirectorySearcher srch = new DirectorySearcher(dirEnt, "(objectClass=Group)", loadProps);
var results = srch.FindAll();

我尝试设置 srch.SizeLimit = 2000;,但这似乎不起作用.有什么想法吗?

I have tried to set srch.SizeLimit = 2000;, but that doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?


您需要将 DirectorySearcher.PageSize 设置为非零值才能获取所有结果.

You need to set DirectorySearcher.PageSize to a non-zero value to get all results.

顺便说一句,您还应该在使用完 DirectorySearcher 后将其丢弃

BTW you should also dispose DirectorySearcher when you're finished with it

using(var srch = new DirectorySearcher(dirEnt, "(objectClass=Group)", loadProps))
    srch.PageSize = 1000;
    var results = srch.FindAll();

API 文档不是很清楚,但本质上是:

The API documentation isn't very clear, but essentially:

  • 当您进行分页搜索时,SizeLimit 将被忽略,并在您遍历 FindAll 返回的结果时返回所有匹配的结果.结果将从服务器一次检索一个页面.我在上面选择了 1000 的值,但如果愿意,您可以使用较小的值.权衡是:使用较小的 PageSize 会更快地返回每页结果,但在迭代大量结果时需要更频繁地调用服务器.

  • when you do a paged search, the SizeLimit is ignored, and all matching results are returned as you iterate through the results returned by FindAll. Results will be retrieved from the server a page at a time. I chose the value of 1000 above, but you can use a smaller value if preferred. The tradeoff is: using a small PageSize will return each page of results faster, but will require more frequent calls to the server when iterating over a large number of results.

默认情况下不分页搜索 (PageSize = 0).在这种情况下,最多返回 SizeLimit 结果.

by default the search isn't paged (PageSize = 0). In this case up to SizeLimit results is returned.

正如 Biri 所指出的,处理 FindAll 返回的 SearchResultCollection 很重要,否则您可能会出现内存泄漏如 DirectorySearcher.FindAll 的 MSDN 文档的备注部分所述.

As Biri pointed out, it's important to dispose the SearchResultCollection returned by FindAll, otherwise you may have a memory leak as described in the Remarks section of the MSDN documentation for DirectorySearcher.FindAll.

在 .NET 2.0 或更高版本中帮助避免这种情况的一种方法是编写一个自动处理 SearchResultCollection 的包装器方法.这可能类似于以下内容(或者可能是 .NET 3.5 中的扩展方法):

One way to help avoid this in .NET 2.0 or later is to write a wrapper method that automatically disposes the SearchResultCollection. This might look something like the following (or could be an extension method in .NET 3.5):

public IEnumerable<SearchResult> SafeFindAll(DirectorySearcher searcher)
    using(SearchResultCollection results = searcher.FindAll())
        foreach (SearchResult result in results)
            yield return result;        
    } // SearchResultCollection will be disposed here


You could then use this as follows:

using(var srch = new DirectorySearcher(dirEnt, "(objectClass=Group)", loadProps))
    srch.PageSize = 1000;
    var results = SafeFindAll(srch);

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本文标题为:我可以从 DirectorySearcher 获得超过 1000 条记录吗?