What are Automatic Properties in C# and what is their purpose?(什么是 C# 中的自动属性,它们的用途是什么?)
有人可以提供一个非常简单的 C# 中自动属性的解释,它们的用途,也许还有一些例子?请尽量保持通俗易懂!
Could someone provide a very simple explanation of Automatic Properties in C#, their purpose, and maybe some examples? Try to keep things in layman's terms, please!
Automatic Properties are used when no additional logic is required in the property accessors.
The declaration would look something like this:
public int SomeProperty { get; set; }
They are just syntactic sugar so you won't need to write the following more lengthy code:
private int _someField;
public int SomeProperty
get { return _someField;}
set { _someField = value;}
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本文标题为:什么是 C# 中的自动属性,它们的用途是什么?

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