All system references missing Visual Studio 2013 NuGet Async(所有系统引用都缺少 Visual Studio 2013 NuGet Async)
我在 Visual Studio 2013 中设置了一个解决方案/团队项目,并且有一段时间为 NET Framework 4.0 安装了一个正常工作的 NuGet Microsoft.Bcl Async 包.今天打开项目时,找不到所有默认的 .NET 系统库引用,它们旁边只有一个警告符号.在构建项目时,我有 49 条警告都说找不到引用的组件‘System.X’.或找不到引用的组件Microsoft.X".然而,解决方案中对其他项目的引用保持不变.
I have a solution/team project set up in visual studio 2013 and for some time have had a working NuGet Microsoft.Bcl Async Package installed for NET Framework 4.0. Today when opening the project all of the default .NET system library references cannot be found, They just have a warning symbol next to them. I have 49 warnings when building the project all saying 'The referenced component 'System.X' could not be found. Or 'The referenced component 'Microsoft.X' could not be found. Yet references to other projects in the solution remain intact.
If it is of any significance I have been using the built in version control system to keep backups of my code and access it from my other pc with the same configuration.
查看有关 stackoverflow 的其他类似问题的问题,人们似乎认为 NuGet 可能会导致该问题,但没有任何似乎对我有用的解决方案.我已经尝试了使用文件浏览器和框架选项卡删除和重新添加引用的明显解决方案,但到目前为止都没有工作.
Looking at the other questions on stackoverflow with similar issues people seem to point towards NuGet as potentially causing the problem but without any solution that seems to work for me. I have tried the obvious solution of removing and re-adding the reference using both the file browser and the Framework tab but neither has worked so far.
I cannot currently compile the project as I get this warning, undoubtedly caused by the missing references in the first place.
错误 31 无法从程序集 C:Users...Visual Studio 2013ProjectsAlgorithmToolsTFVCAlgorithmToolsSuiteAlgorithmToolspackagesMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.14 ools 加载EnsureBindingRedirects"任务Microsoft.Bcl.Build.Tasks.dll.无法加载文件或程序集 'file:///C:Users...Visual Studio 2013ProjectsAlgorithmToolsTFVCAlgorithmToolsSuiteAlgorithmToolspackagesMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.14 oolsMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.Tasks.dll' 或其依赖项之一.该系统找不到指定的文件.确认声明正确,程序集及其所有依赖项都可用,并且任务包含实现 Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask 的公共类.算法工具
Error 31 The "EnsureBindingRedirects" task could not be loaded from the assembly C:Users...Visual Studio 2013ProjectsAlgorithmToolsTFVCAlgorithmToolsSuiteAlgorithmToolspackagesMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.14 oolsMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.Tasks.dll. Could not load file or assembly 'file:///C:Users...Visual Studio 2013ProjectsAlgorithmToolsTFVCAlgorithmToolsSuiteAlgorithmToolspackagesMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.1.0.14 oolsMicrosoft.Bcl.Build.Tasks.dll' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. Confirm that the declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its dependencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that implements Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. AlgorithmTools
我能够通过首先对解决方案中的所有 NuGet 包运行更新,然后删除并重新添加对包含或覆盖的库的引用来解决此问题包.
I was able to solve this issue by first running an update on all NuGet packages in the solution and then removing and re adding references to the libraries included or overridden by the package.
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本文标题为:所有系统引用都缺少 Visual Studio 2013 NuGet Async

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