Clone/duplicate an existing GameObject and its children(克隆/复制现有的游戏对象及其子对象)
Unity 中是否有 C# 方法来复制现有游戏对象及其所有子对象?就我而言,我有一个空的 GameObject,其中有许多 Text 对象作为子对象,我想为它们创建一个副本,包括相对位置、文本值、字体、颜色等......
Is there a C# way in Unity to duplicate an existing GameObject and all of its children? In my case, I have an empty GameObject with a number of Text objects as children and I would like to create a copy of them all, including relative positions, text values, font, colors, etc....
Prefabs 不能轻松工作,因为我想复制包括其当前状态的对象.
Prefabs won't work easily because I want to copy the object including its current state.
函数用于克隆任何 GameObject 及其层次结构.
The Instantiate
function is used to clone any GameObject and its hierarchy.
public GameObject rootObj;
void Start()
GameObject duplicate = Instantiate(rootObj);
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