Entity Framework foreign keys to non-primary key fields(非主键字段的实体框架外键)
Entity Framework 4.0 是否有可能具有基于非主键字段的外键的关联/导航属性(它具有唯一约束).
Is it possible for Entity Framework 4.0 to have an association/navigation property based off of a foreign key to a non-primary key field (it has a unique constraint).
否,因为 EF 还不了解唯一约束,并且 EF 中的关系必须遵循与数据库中的关系相同的规则.没有唯一主体关系就无法存在,在 EF 中获取唯一主体的唯一方法是使用主键.
No because EF don't understand unique constraint yet and relations in EF must follow same rules as relations in database. Without unique principal relation cannot exist and the only way to get unique principal in EF is using primary key.

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