Threadsafe FIFO Queue/Buffer(线程安全 FIFO 队列/缓冲区)
I need to implement a sort of task buffer. Basic requirements are:
- 在单个后台线程中处理任务
- 从多个线程接收任务
- 处理所有接收到的任务,即确保在收到停止信号后缓冲区中的缓冲任务已耗尽
- 必须保持每个线程接收到的任务的顺序
I was thinking of implementing it using a Queue like below. Would appreciate feedback on the implementation. Are there any other brighter ideas to implement such a thing?
public class TestBuffer
private readonly object queueLock = new object();
private Queue<Task> queue = new Queue<Task>();
private bool running = false;
public TestBuffer()
public void start()
Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(run));
private void run()
running = true;
bool run = true;
Task task = null;
// Lock queue before doing anything
lock (queueLock)
// If the queue is currently empty and it is still running
// we need to wait until we're told something changed
if (queue.Count == 0 && running)
// Check there is something in the queue
// Note - there might not be anything in the queue if we were waiting for something to change and the queue was stopped
if (queue.Count > 0)
task = queue.Dequeue();
// If something was dequeued, handle it
if (task != null)
// Lock the queue again and check whether we need to run again
// Note - Make sure we drain the queue even if we are told to stop before it is emtpy
lock (queueLock)
run = queue.Count > 0 || running;
public void enqueue(Task toEnqueue)
lock (queueLock)
public void stop()
lock (queueLock)
running = false;
public void handle(Task dequeued)
您实际上可以使用开箱即用的方式处理此问题 BlockingCollection.
You can actually handle this with the out-of-the-box BlockingCollection.
它被设计成有 1 个或多个生产者,以及 1 个或多个消费者.在您的情况下,您将有多个生产者和一个消费者.
It is designed to have 1 or more producers, and 1 or more consumers. In your case, you would have multiple producers and one consumer.
When you receive a stop signal, have that signal handler
- 通知生产者线程停止
- 在 BlockingCollection 实例上调用 CompleteAdding
The consumer thread will continue to run until all queued items are removed and processed, then it will encounter the condition that the BlockingCollection is complete. When the thread encounters that condition, it just exits.
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本文标题为:线程安全 FIFO 队列/缓冲区
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