Reload data using TableAdapter(使用 TableAdapter 重新加载数据)
private void UserList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'workOrdersDataSet.users' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
How can I reload the data if changes were made in another form? (preferably automatically without using a Refresh button)?
I am using WinForms and the backend is Access 2007.
The data is bound using the Designer to a Datagrid
First, I would move the Fill
to a separate function:
public void LoadData()
Then when you do your Load Event, you will call the function:
private void UserList_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
If you have another form that performs changes on the data, you can call this function in another event, similar to this. I use DialogResult
in my code:
private void OpenOtherForm()
DialogResult openForm = new OtherForm().ShowDialog();
if(openForm == DialogResult.OK)
In your code for the other Form after your update process is complete, include a line of code to tell your main form to update:
private void PerformUpdate()
// your update code goes here
DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; // this is the line that tells your other form to refresh
catch (Exception ex)
DialogResult = DialogResult.Abort;
using the DialogResult
then, tells your main form to trigger the Refresh of the Data only when an Update actually takes place.
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本文标题为:使用 TableAdapter 重新加载数据
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