Password Protecting an Excel file in C#(密码保护 C# 中的 Excel 文件)
Does anyone know the syntax for this? I've been looking everywhere and all I can find is C++ code for this. I'm trying to password protect an excel file programatically using the System.IO.Packaging namespace.
Any ideas?
Additional notes:
I'm NOT using the Excel interop--but instead the System.IO.Packaging namespace to encrypt and password protect the excel file.
If you want an Excel password all you need is something like this:
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
//create your spreadsheet here...
WorkbookObject.Password = password;
This requires Excel to be installed.
That's nothing to do with System.IO.Packaging
of course, so you might need to restate your question...
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本文标题为:密码保护 C# 中的 Excel 文件
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