How to set radio buttons in a nested group box as a same group with radio buttons outside of that group box(如何将嵌套组框中的单选按钮设置为与该组框外的单选按钮相同的组)
我有 winform 应用程序 (.NET 4.0)
I have winform application (.NET 4.0)
Is there any way to manually set a group of radio buttons?
I have four radio buttons, two of them inside of a group box and the other two outside of that box. How can I set all of them to the same group?
This might have been answered in another post, it sounds the same:
将 Windows 窗体单选按钮分组到不同的父级C#中的控件
恐怕您将不得不手动处理此问题...还不错实际上,您可能只需将所有 RadioButton 存储在一个列表中,并为所有这些使用单个事件处理程序:
I'm afraid you'll have to handle this manually... It's not so bad actually, you can probably just store all the RadioButton in a list, and use a single event handler for all of them:
private List<RadioButton> _radioButtonGroup = new List<RadioButton>();
private void radioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)sender;
if (rb.Checked)
foreach(RadioButton other in _radioButtonGroup)
if (other == rb)
other.Checked = false;
Here's another question asking the same thing: Radiobuttons as a group in different panels
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