ASP .NET:动态加载控件 vs Visible = true

ASP .NET: Dynamic load controls vs Visible = true(ASP .NET:动态加载控件 vs Visible = true)

本文介绍了ASP .NET:动态加载控件 vs Visible = true的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


admin 可以做 x 和 y,但是普通用户是不能做这些操作的.

Which one is recommended ? Let me explain what I want to achieve !
I have one pages used by many users, every user has a different Role like admin, operator, normal user.
When a client open that page I want to display a set of controls (buttons) which depends on their Role.
admin is allowed to do x and y, but a normal user is not allowed to do these actions.

我应该在 HTML 中定义所有控件然后切换 Visible 属性,还是动态加载所需的控件?

In order to achieve what I want to do, which approach is the best one ?
Should I define all controls in HTML then toggle Visible property, or dynamically load needed controls ?

对于 Visible = false,我担心服务器处理时间.即使没有将 HTML 标记发送给 Visible = false 控件的客户端,我知道该控件仍由 ASP .NET 加载,甚至可能进行处理,但他的 HTML 结果并未写入输出流.

For Visible = false I'm worried about server processing time. Even if HTML markup is not sent to the client for a Visible = false control, I know that the control is still loaded by ASP .NET and maybe even processed, but his HTML result is not written to the output stream.

对于动态加载的控件,一个不方便的地方是它们需要在 Postback 上重新初始化,而且事件和 postback 也存在一些问题.

For dynamically loaded control, one inconvenient is that they need to be reinitialized on Postback, also there are some problems with events and postback.


我不会动态地这样做,因为收益不值得复杂性或感知到的节省.此外,如果您设置 visible = false,请记住您的控件仍启用视图状态.如果您担心来回数据并处理更大的视图状态,请确保禁用所有控件或包含它们的父面板的视图状态.但是,在回发时维护它们的状态与动态地维护它们的状态相同.

I wouldn't do it dynamically as the gain is not worth the complexity or perceived savings. Also if you set visible = false, keep in mind that the viewstate is still enabled for your controls. If you are worried about the back and forth data and dealing with a larger viewstate, make sure you disable the viewstate for all the controls or for a parent panel that contains them. You will have the same inconvenience for maintaining their state on postback as doing it dynamically though.


Also, doing it non-dynamically is much easier to maintain to the next guy working with the code. The layout is obvious and easier to visualize than trying to figure out what code when is putting what where.


Creating controls dynamically really doesn't gain you much at all except for the exclusion of viewstate and maybe negligable processing server side. I think you would find it difficult to even measure much of a noticable difference, even under load between, a non-viewstate control and the overhead of dynamically having to add them as needed.


Lastly, it's easier to not do it dynamically so why not take the easiest route first and see if it is a problem. If it does become an issue then refine it where necessary.

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