
Load user control dynamically with parameters(使用参数动态加载用户控件)




I've created a user control.

public partial class Controls_pageGeneral : System.Web.UI.UserControl

    private int pageId;
    private int itemIndex;

    public int PageId
        get { return pageId; }
        set { pageId = value; }

    public int ItemIndex
        get { return itemIndex; }
        set { itemIndex = value; }

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // something very cool happens here, according to the values of pageId and itemIndex


现在我想动态地创建这个控件并传递参数.我试过使用 LoadControl 函数,但它只有两个构造函数:一个带有字符串(路径),另一个带有类型 t 和参数数组.

Now I want to dynamically create this control and pass it parameters. I've tried using the LoadControl function but it only has two constructor: one with string (path), and another with Type t and array of parameters.

第一种方法可行,但由于我的参数,必须使用 LoadControl 更复杂的方法,但我不知道如何使用它.如何将我的 Control 的路径字符串设置为那个奇怪的对象 Type t?

The first method works, but because of my parameters and have to use the more complicated method of LoadControl, but I don't get how to use it. How can I case my path string of my Control to that weird object Type t?



In your case it's not relevant, as the second method accepts parameters passed to proper constructor, but you don't have constructor at all to your control.

只需使用 .ascx 文件的路径加载控件,转换为正确的类型并一一设置属性:

Just load the control using the path of the .ascx file, cast to proper type and set the properties one by one:

Controls_pageGeneral myControl = (Controls_pageGeneral)Page.LoadControl("path here");
myControl.PageId = 1;
myControl.ItemIndex = 2;


If you insist on using constructor, first add such:

public Controls_pageGeneral(int pageId, int itemIndex)
    //code here..


Page.LoadControl(typeof(Controls_pageGeneral), new object[] {1, 2});


Will do the same as the above as the runtime code will look for constructor accepting two integers and use it.

