webforms (.NET 2.0) 中的异步页面处理示例

Example of Asynchronous page processing in webforms (.NET 2.0)( webforms (.NET 2.0) 中的异步页面处理示例)

本文介绍了 webforms (.NET 2.0) 中的异步页面处理示例的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


谁能给我提供一个简单的 ASP.NET Webforms 2.0 异步页面处理示例(我使用的是 VS 2010,所以像 lambdas 这样的新语法还可以)?

Can someone provide me with a simple example of Asynchronous page processing in ASP.NET Webforms 2.0 (I'm using VS 2010, so new syntax like lambdas are ok)?

我有一些长时间运行的请求,我不想占用 IIS 线程.

I have some long running requests that I don't want tying up IIS threads.


For simplicity's sake, let's say my current code looks like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string param1 = _txtParam1.Text;
    string param2 = _txtParam2.Text;

    //This takes a long time (relative to a web request)
    List<MyEntity> entities = _myRepository.GetEntities(param1, param2);

    //Conceptually, I would like IIS to bring up a new thread here so that I can
    //display the data after it has come back.


如何修改此代码以使其异步?假设我已经在 aspx 页面中设置了 async="true".

How can I modify this code so that it is asynchronous? Let's assume that I already set async="true" in the aspx page.


我想我知道如何获得我正在寻找的东西.我已将示例代码放在答案中 此处.请随时指出任何缺陷或可以进行的更改.

I think I figured out how to get what I'm looking for. I've put the example code in an answer here. Feel free to point out any flaws or changes that can be made.


我询问了 ASP.NET 团队的一些人.这是他们给我的电子邮件回复,现在是给你的.

I asked some folks on the ASP.NET team. Here's their emailed response to me, and now, to you.


All that code ends up doing is spinning up a new thread and performing delegate invocation on that thread. So now there are two threads running: the request thread and the new thread. Hence this sample actually has worse performance than the original synchronous code would have had.

参见 http:/// 有关如何在 ASP.NET 中编写和使用异步方法的示例.>

See for a sample on how to write and consume async methods in ASP.NET.

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本文标题为 webforms (.NET 2.0) 中的异步页面处理示例