如何在 LINQ-to-SQL 中模拟正则表达式

How to simulate regular expressions in LINQ-to-SQL(如何在 LINQ-to-SQL 中模拟正则表达式)

本文介绍了如何在 LINQ-to-SQL 中模拟正则表达式的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a database table with customer account numbers. Within the same table are test accounts that don't match the production formatting: say, 'A1111' is production but 'JTest' is not. I have the Regex that will pull only my production accounts. I need a specific compiled query to pull only the production accounts. The query gives me a customer count by region and date; and concept counts within each region:

        getCustomerDistribution = CompiledQuery.Compile<DataContext, String, DateTime, IEnumerable<ServerLoad>>(
            (context, region, processDate) => (from cust in context.GetTable<tbl_CustomerDistro>()
                                               where cust.ProcessedDate.Date == processDate.Date
                                               where cust.Region == region
                                               where Regex.IsMatch(cust.AcctNum, ProductionMask)
                                               group cust by new
                                               } into custDistro
                                               orderby custDistro.Key.Region
                                               select new CustomerDistro
                                                    .Where(c => c.Concept == custDistro.Key.Concept)
                                                    .Select(c => c.Concept).Count()


Problem is that I get the following message at run-time:

Method 'Boolean IsMatch(System.String,System.String)' 不支持翻译成 SQL.

Method 'Boolean IsMatch(System.String, System.String)' has no supported translation to SQL.


I was looking at a user defined func:

static Func<striing, bool> IsProduction = (AcctNum) => Regex.IsMatch(AcctNum, ProductionMask);


This doesn't work either. I don't want to iterate the records that are retrieved to further filter unless there is just no other way to do this.

有没有办法用 Predicate Builder 做到这一点?

Is there a way to do this with Predicate Builder?


where SqlMethods.Like (cust.AcctNum, ProductionMask)

但是,我的 ProductionMask 是为 Regex 编写的:

However, my ProductionMask is written for Regex:


有没有办法用 SqlMethods.Like(...) 做到这一点?

Is there a way to do this with the SqlMethods.Like(...)?

这是一个运行速度非常慢的查询.我有 3 个区域运行此查询,并且记录计数 &返回时间为:
263:903 毫秒
342:822 毫秒
146:711 毫秒

This is a very slow running query. I have 3 regions that this query runs against and the record counts & return times are:
263: 903ms
342: 822ms
146: 711ms


我更改了查询以使用以下内容代替 Regex.IsMatch:

I changed the query to use the following in place of the Regex.IsMatch:

where SqlMethods.Like(cust.Acct, ProductionMask)  

where ProductionMask = "[bBgG][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"



If anyone sees that the 2 masks should not produce the same results, please let me know...

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本文标题为:如何在 LINQ-to-SQL 中模拟正则表达式