Linq To Sql 和 identity_insert

Linq To Sql and identity_insert(Linq To Sql 和 identity_insert)

本文介绍了Linq To Sql 和 identity_insert的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在主键是 Identity 字段的表上插入记录.

I am trying to do record inserts on a table where the Primary Key is an Identity field.

mycontext.ExecuteCommand("SET identity_insert myTable ON")

I have tried calling
mycontext.ExecuteCommand("SET identity_insert myTable ON")
but this doesn't do any good.

我在提交更改时收到错误消息,说 IDENTITY_INSERTOFF.

I get an error saying IDENTITY_INSERT is OFF when I submit changes.

如何在提交更改之前从 C# 代码中打开它ON?

How can I turn it ON from the C# code before I submit changes?

我了解到这是因为 ExecuteCommand 的代码在不同的会话中执行.

I have read that this is because ExecuteCommand's code gets executed in a different session.

有什么办法可以执行一些 DDL 从我的 C# 代码中删除身份规范,进行插入,然后重新打开身份规范?

Is there any way I can execute some DDL to remove the Identity Specification from my C# code, do the inserts, and then turn Identity Specification back on?


您需要在单个 T-SQL 代码块中完成所有步骤 - 如果您想打开它,这将非常困难,如果不是不可能的话,然后执行您的 LINQ-to-SQL 查询,然后将其关闭 :(

You need to do all the steps in a single T-SQL code block - which is going to be really hard if not impossible if you want to turn it on, then execute your LINQ-to-SQL query, and then turn it back off :(

我看到的唯一真正的解决方案是将整个 SQL 打包成一条 SQL 语句并执行:

The only real solution I see is to package up the entire SQL into a SQL statement and execute that:


(do your update here)


并使用 .ExecuteContext()


PS:对于您的 EDIT#2:不,不幸的是,没有(简单)方法可以从列中删除标识,然后重新打开它.基本上,您必须创建一个没有 IDENTITY 的新列,复制值,删除 IDENTITY 列,然后在完成后向后执行相同的操作 - 抱歉!:-(

PS: for your EDIT#2 : no, unfortunately, there's no (easy) way to remove the identity from a column, and turn it back on. Basicall you'd have to create a new column without the IDENTITY, copy the values over, drop the IDENTITY column and then do the same backwards when you're done - sorry! :-(

PS #2:这真的引出了一个问题:到底要做什么需要做一个身份插入"?定期,从应用程序?当然 - 您可能偶尔会遇到这种需求,但我总是在 SQL Mgmt Studio 中单独执行此操作 - 当然不是在我的应用程序中......(只是好奇你的用例/动机是什么).

PS #2: this really begs the question: what on earth to do need to do an "identity insert" for? On a regular basis, from an app? Granted - you might run into this need once in a while, but I'd always do this separately, in SQL Mgmt Studio - certainly not in my app..... (just curious what your use case / motivation is).

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本文标题为:Linq To Sql 和 identity_insert