read user input of double type(读取双重类型的用户输入)
我发现在其他地方使用循环回答了这个问题,但我不确定是否真的有一个我没有找到的函数可以让这更容易,或者这是否可能(在我看来)消极的一面到 C#.
I have found this answered in other places using loops, but I wasn't sure if there is actually a function that I'm not finding that makes this easier, or if this is a possible (in my opinion) negative side to C#.
I'm trying to read in a double from user input like this:
Console.WriteLine("Please input your total salary: ") // i input 100
double totalSalary = Console.Read(); //reads in the 1, changes to 49.
I've found a couple other posts on this, and they all have different answers, and the questions asked aren't exactly the same either. If i just want the user input read in, what is the best way to do that?
你必须检查整个事情.因为 Console.Read()
You'll have to check the entire thing on it's way in.. as Console.Read()
returns an integer.
double totalSalary;
if (!double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out totalSalary)) {
// .. error with input
// .. totalSalary is okay here.
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