使用 Json.Net 解析 JSON 数组

Parsing a JSON array using Json.Net(使用 Json.Net 解析 JSON 数组)

本文介绍了使用 Json.Net 解析 JSON 数组的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Json.Net 来解析一个数组.我要做的是将名称/值对从数组中提取出来,并在解析 JObject 时将它们分配给特定的变量.

I'm working with Json.Net to parse an array. What I'm trying to do is to pull the name/value pairs out of the array and assign them to specific variables while parsing the JObject.


Here's what I've got in the array:

    "General": "At this time we do not have any frequent support requests."
    "Support": "For support inquires, please see our support page."

这就是我在 C# 中得到的:

And here's what I've got in the C#:

WebRequest objRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create(dest);
WebResponse objResponse = objRequest.GetResponse();
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(objResponse.GetResponseStream()))
    string json = reader.ReadToEnd();
    JArray a = JArray.Parse(json);

    //Here's where I'm stumped


我对 JSON 和 Json.Net 还很陌生,所以它可能是其他人的基本解决方案.我基本上只需要在 foreach 循环中分配名称/值对,以便我可以在前端输出数据.有没有人这样做过?

I'm fairly new to JSON and Json.Net, so it might be a basic solution for someone else. I basically just need to assign the name/value pairs in a foreach loop so that I can output the data on the front-end. Has anyone done this before?



You can get at the data values like this:

string json = @"
    { ""General"" : ""At this time we do not have any frequent support requests."" },
    { ""Support"" : ""For support inquires, please see our support page."" }

JArray a = JArray.Parse(json);

foreach (JObject o in a.Children<JObject>())
    foreach (JProperty p in o.Properties())
        string name = p.Name;
        string value = (string)p.Value;
        Console.WriteLine(name + " -- " + value);


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本文标题为:使用 Json.Net 解析 JSON 数组