Json.NET 在 DateTime 上禁用反序列化

Json.NET Disable the deserialization on DateTime(Json.NET 在 DateTime 上禁用反序列化)

本文介绍了Json.NET 在 DateTime 上禁用反序列化的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



        string s = "2012-08-08T01:54:45.3042880+00:00";

        JObject j1 = JObject.FromObject(new

        Object o = j1["time"];

我们可以检查 o 是字符串并且等于2012-08-08T01:54:45.3042880+00:00"

We can check that o is string and equals "2012-08-08T01:54:45.3042880+00:00"

现在我们将 j1.ToString() 转移到另一个程序,即

Now we transfer j1.ToString() to another program, which is

          "time": "2012-08-08T01:54:45.3042880+00:00"


then at the other program, try to parse it back to JObject, which is

       JObject j2 = JObject.Parse(j1.ToString());

       Object o2 = j2["time"];

现在,如果我们检查 o2,o2 的类型是 Date,o2.ToString() 是 8/7/2012 9:54:45 PM.

Now, if we check o2, o2's type is Date, o2.ToString() is 8/7/2012 9:54:45 PM.


有没有办法禁用 JObject.Parse 的日期反序列化,只获取原始字符串?



object 解析为 JObject 时,可以指定 JsonSerializer它指示如何处理日期.

When parsing from an object to JObject you can specify a JsonSerializer which instructs how to handle dates.

JObject.FromObject(new { time = s },
                   new JsonSerializer {
                          DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None

不幸的是,Parse 没有这个选项,尽管拥有它是有意义的.查看 Parse 的源代码,我们可以看到它所做的只是实例化一个 JsonReader,然后将其传递给 Load.JsonReader 确实有解析选项.

Unfortunately Parse doesn't have this option, although it would make sense to have it. Looking at the source for Parse we can see that all it does is instantiate a JsonReader and then passes that to Load. JsonReader does have parsing options.


You can achieve your desired result like this:

  using(JsonReader reader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(j1.ToString()))) {
    reader.DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.None;
    JObject o = JObject.Load(reader);

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本文标题为:Json.NET 在 DateTime 上禁用反序列化