tessnet2 fails to load(tessnet2 加载失败)
我在 windows XP 上使用 tessnet2 包装器到 Tesseract 2.04 源,将其配置为与 x86 一起使用.
i'm using the tessnet2 wrapper to the Tesseract 2.04 Source on windows XP, configured it to work with x86.
TessarctTest 项目主要功能包含:
TessarctTest project main function contains:
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(@"C: empNew Folderdotneteurotext.tif");
tessnet2.Tesseract ocr = new tessnet2.Tesseract();
// ocr.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", "0123456789");
ocr.Init(@"C: emp essdata", "eng", false);
// List<tessnet2.Word> r1 = ocr.DoOCR(bmp, new Rectangle(792, 247, 130, 54));
List<tessnet2.Word> r1 = ocr.DoOCR(bmp, Rectangle.Empty);
int lc = tessnet2.Tesseract.LineCount(r1);
当我尝试运行程序时,它在 ocr.Init 内的以下行崩溃
when i try to run the program it crashes on the following line inside the ocr.Init
int result = m_myTessBaseAPIInstance->InitWithLanguage((char *)_tessdata.ToPointer(), NULL, (char *)_lang.ToPointer(), NULL, numericMode, 0, NULL);
对于在所有这些之后仍然有问题的任何人,请确保如果您使用的是 tessnet2,请确保您下载了正确的语言文件.
For anyone still having a problem after all these, make sure if you're using tessnet2 that you download the correct language files.
您需要Tesseract(2.00 及更高版本)的英语语言数据,而不是Tesseract 3.01 的英语语言数据.我希望这可以为您节省几个小时!:)
You want English language data for Tesseract (2.00 and up) and not the English language data for Tesseract 3.01 version. I hope this saves you a few hours! :)
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本文标题为:tessnet2 加载失败
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