有没有标准的“永不退货"?C# 函数的属性?

Is there a standard quot;never returnsquot; attribute for C# functions?(有没有标准的“永不退货?C# 函数的属性?)

本文介绍了有没有标准的“永不退货"?C# 函数的属性?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have one method that looks like this:

void throwException(string msg)
    throw new MyException(msg);


int foo(int x, y)
    if (y == 0)
        return x/y;

编译器会抱怨 foo 并非所有路径都返回值".

the compiler will complain about foo that "not all paths return a value".

有没有我可以添加到 throwException 的属性来避免这种情况?比如:

Is there an attribute I can add to throwException to avoid that ? Something like:

void throwException(string msg)
    throw new MyException(msg);


I'm afraid custom attributes won't do, because for my purpose I'd need the cooperation of the compiler.


没有.我建议您更改第一个函数的签名以返回异常而不是抛出异常,并将 throw 语句保留在第二个函数中.这会让编译器满意,而且气味也不会那么难闻.

No. I suggest you change the signature of your first function to return the exception rather than throw it, and leave the throw statement in your second function. That'll keep the compiler happy, and smells less bad as well.

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本文标题为:有没有标准的“永不退货"?C# 函数的属性?