How to use cross-domain connections (CORS - Access Control Allow Origin) with SignalR(如何使用 SignalR 使用跨域连接(CORS - 访问控制允许来源))
使用持久连接和 ASP.NET JavaScript 客户端,我尝试连接到与提供页面的子域不同的子域.
Using persistent connections and an ASP.NET JavaScript client, I am trying to connect to a sub-domain not the same as the one the page was served from.
ASP.Net 页面想要连接到位于
的 SignalR.在同一子域中连接时,相同的代码可以正常工作.
ASP.Net Page from webserver
wants to connect to SignalR at
. The same code works fine when connecting within the same sub-domain.
I found another post where cross-domain connections were enabled with: = true;
如何使用持久连接和 JavaScript 客户端连接到第二个子域中的 SignalR?
How can I connect to SignalR in a second sub-domain using persistent connection and a JavaScript client?
You need to do one of the following to make it work:
- 设置
$.connection.hub.url = '';
,指向您的子域. 在服务器上启用跨域:
- Set up
$.connection.hub.url = '';
, pointing to your subdomain. Enable cross domain on the server:
RouteTable.Routes.MapHubs(new HubConfiguration()
EnableCrossDomain = true
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本文标题为:如何使用 SignalR 使用跨域连接(CORS - 访问控制允许来源)
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