
Do static members ever get garbage collected?(静态成员是否曾经被垃圾收集?)




Do static member variables ever get garbage collected?


For example, let's use the following class.

public class HasStatic {
    private static List<string> shared = new List<string>();



HasStatic a = new HasStatic();
HasStatic b = new HasStatic();
HasStatic c = new HasStatic();
HasStatic d = new HasStatic();
//Other code
//Things deep GC somewhere in here
HasStatic e = new HasStatic();

abcd 被垃圾回收时,静态成员 共享 也被收集?e 是否有可能获得 shared 的新实例?

When a, b, c, and d are garbage collected does the static member shared get collected as well? Could e possibly get a new instance of shared?


不,静态成员与 Type 相关联,Type 与加载它的 AppDomain 相关联.

No, static members are associated with the Type, which is associated with the AppDomain it's loaded in.

请注意,对于要初始化的类和 shared 变量,不必有 任何HasStatic 实例引用 List<string>.

Note that there doesn't have to be any instances of HasStatic for the class to be initialized and the shared variable to have a reference to a List<string>.

除非您考虑卸载 AppDomain 的情况,否则静态变量可以永远被视为 GC 根.(当然,如果改变了 HasStatic.shared 的值以引用不同的实例,第一个实例可能符合垃圾回收的条件.)

Unless you're considering situations where AppDomains get unloaded, static variables can be regarded as GC roots forever. (Of course, if something changes the value of HasStatic.shared to reference a different instance, the first instance may become eligible for garbage collection.)

