ListBox and Datasource - prevent first item from being selected(ListBox 和 Datasource - 防止第一个项目被选中)
Hey. I've got the following code that populates my list box
UsersListBox.DataSource = GrpList;
However, after the box is populated, the first item in the list is selected by default and the "selected index changed" event fires. How do I prevent the item from being selected right after the list box was populated, or how do I prevent the event from firing?
To keep the event from firing, here are two options I have used in the past:
在设置 DataSource 时取消注册事件处理程序.
Unregister the event handler while setting the DataSource.
UsersListBox.SelectedIndexChanged -= UsersListBox_SelectedIndexChanged;
UsersListBox.DataSource = GrpList;
UsersListBox.SelectedIndex = -1; // This optional line keeps the first item from being selected.
UsersListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += UsersListBox_SelectedIndexChanged;
Create a boolean flag to ignore the event.
private bool ignoreSelectedIndexChanged;
private void UsersListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (ignoreSelectedIndexChanged) return;
ignoreSelectedIndexChanged = true;
UsersListBox.DataSource = GrpList;
UsersListBox.SelectedIndex = -1; // This optional line keeps the first item from being selected.
ignoreSelectedIndexChanged = false;
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本文标题为:ListBox 和 Datasource - 防止第一个项目被选中
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