生成自定义编译时警告 C#

Generating a custom compile time warning C#(生成自定义编译时警告 C#)

本文介绍了生成自定义编译时警告 C#的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 VS2008,并希望根据属性的自定义属性创建编译时警告/错误(如果可能的话).

I'm using VS2008 and would like to create a compile time warning / error based on custom attributes on a property (if it is possible).


There are two cases which interest me currently:

  [MyAttribute (typeof(MyClass)]

MyClass 必须实现一个接口.目前我在属性的构造函数中声明了这一点,但是由于堆栈跟踪的性质,这并不容易追踪:

Where MyClass has to implement an interface. Currently I assert this in the constructor of the attribute, however this doesn't make it easy to track down, due to the nature of the stack trace:

 public MyAttribute (Type MyClassType)
                                         "Editor must implement interface: " + typeof(MyInterface).Name);



The second case which interests me is where I have a type defined in an attribute, if that type implements an interface, then a warning should be displayed if another attribute isn't present.

I.E.if (MyClass.Implements(SomeInterface) && !Exists(SomeAttibute)) { 生成警告 }

I.E. if (MyClass.Implements(SomeInterface) && !Exists(SomeAttibute)) { Generate Warning }

// Comment next line to generate warning
[Foo ("Bar")]



您可以使用 PostSharp 做到这一点.

You can do that with PostSharp.

我曾经做过,并解释了如何做 这里

I've once done it, and explained how to do it here

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本文标题为:生成自定义编译时警告 C#