使用 System.Net.Mail 加速通过 smtp 服务器发送多封电子邮件

Speed up sending multiple emails through smtp server using System.Net.Mail(使用 System.Net.Mail 加速通过 smtp 服务器发送多封电子邮件)

本文介绍了使用 System.Net.Mail 加速通过 smtp 服务器发送多封电子邮件的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是 C# 的新手,但我从 VB.Net 学到了很多关于在 .Net for windows 中编程的知识.

I am quite a newbie in C# but I have learnt a lot from VB.Net about programming in .Net for windows.

我刚刚制作了一个简单的 SMTP 客户端,它从程序中发送电子邮件.它是一个控制台应用程序,一次只能通过服务器发送一封电子邮件.这非常慢,我需要通过我的客户端同时发送多封电子邮件.

I have just made a simple SMTP client which sends emails from the program. It is a console application and can only send one email through the server at a time. This is very slow and I need to send multiple emails through my client at the same time.

这在 C# 中可行吗?

Is this possible in C#?



simply use multiple threads (multiple processes).

在 C# 中,您可以使用任务来完成此操作.

In C# you can do this with a Task.

new Task(delegate { 

只需将您的 send 命令包装在此对象中,它将异步发送.

Just wrap your send command in this object and it will be send Asynchronously.


Be careful if this is wrapped in a loop it will start a new process for each mail.


if you need to send large amounts of mails at the same time I suggest you use a ThreadPool. It lets you control how many concurent threads you'd like to have at the same time.

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本文标题为:使用 System.Net.Mail 加速通过 smtp 服务器发送多封电子邮件