Virtual camera/direct show filter for network stream(网络流的虚拟摄像机/直接显示过滤器)
我正在使用 Flash Live Encoder.它使用相机来传输视频.支持论坛说我可以创建我需要的自定义直接显示过滤器和流数据.我不明白直接显示过滤器将如何显示在实时编码器的源列表中.我尝试使用一些商业虚拟相机,它工作正常,但它不能使用来自网络流的源.
i'm working with Flash Live Encoder. It's using camera for streaming video. Support forum say's that i can create custom direct show filter and stream data that i need. I cann't understand how direct show filter will display in the source list of the live encoder. I've tryed to use some commercial virtual camera and it work's fine, but it cann't use source from network stream.
总结.我有几个网络流.我认为我必须为每个人创建虚拟相机.但是如果我在 C# 上找到带有直接显示过滤器的示例,我找不到虚拟相机.
Summary. I have a several network streams. I think that i must to create virtual camera for each one. But if i find examples with direct show filter on C#, i cann't find for virtual camera.
这里有一个如何做虚拟捕获设备的例子.您将不得不使用 C++ 来实现它.您还必须实现代码以获取网络流并将其解析为样本以供 DirectShow 理解.
There is an example here of how to do a virtual capture device. You will have to use C++ to implement it. You will also have to implement the code to get the network stream and parse it into samples for DirectShow to understand.
捕获源过滤器过滤器(版本0.1) 86 KB 压缩,包括二进制文件.一个模拟源过滤器的示例视频捕获设备贡献...视频捕获设备贡献...
Capture Source Filter filter (version 0.1) 86 KB zipped, includes binaries. A sample source filter that emulates a video capture device capture device contributed...
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