续 - 车牌检测

Continued - Vehicle License Plate Detection(续 - 车牌检测)

本文介绍了续 - 车牌检测的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!





I've developed my image manipulation techniques to emphasise the license plate as much as possible, and overall I'm happy with it, here are two samples.


Now comes the most difficult part, actually detecting the license plate. I know there are a few edge detection methods, but my maths is quite poor so I'm unable to translate some of the complex formulas into code.

到目前为止,我的想法是遍历图像中的每个像素(基于 img 宽度和高度的 for 循环)由此将每个像素与颜色列表进行比较,由此检查算法以查看颜色是否保持不变区分车牌白色和文本的黑色.如果发生这种情况,这些像素会被构建到内存中的新位图中,那么一旦停止检测到这种模式,就会执行 OCR 扫描.

My idea so far is to loop through every pixel within the image (for loop based on img width & height) From this compare each pixel against a list of colours, from this an algorithm is checked to see if the colors keep differentiating between the license plate white, and the black of the text. If this happens to be true these pixels are built into a new bitmap within memory, then an OCR scan is performed once this pattern has stopped being detected.


I'd appreciate some input on this as it might be a flawed idea, too slow or intensive.




Your method of "see if the colors keep differentiating between the license plate white, and the black of the text" is basically searching for areas where the pixel intensity changes from black to white and vice-versa many times. Edge detection can accomplish essentially the same thing. However, implementing your own methods is still a good idea because you will learn a lot in the process. Heck, why not do both and compare the output of your method with that of some ready-made edge detection algorithm?


At some point you will want to have a binary image, say with black pixels corresponding to the "not-a-character" label, and white pixels corresponding to the "is-a-character" label. Perhaps the simplest way to do that is to use a thresholding function. But that will only work well if the characters have already been emphasized in some way.


As someone mentioned in your other thread, you can do that using the black hat operator, which results in something like this:

如果您使用 Otsu 的方法(自动确定全局阈值级别)对上面的图像进行阈值处理,您会得到:

If you threshold the image above with, say, Otsu's method (which automatically determines a global threshold level), you get this:


There are several ways to clean that image. For instance, you can find the connected components and throw away those that are too small, too big, too wide or too tall to be a character:


Since the characters in your image are relatively large and fully connected this method works well.

接下来,您可以根据邻居的属性过滤剩余的组件,直到您拥有所需数量的组件(= 字符数).如果您想识别字符,您可以计算每个字符的特征并将它们输入到分类器中,该分类器通常使用监督学习构建.

Next, you could filter the remaining components based on the properties of the neighbors until you have the desired number of components (= number of characters). If you want to recognize the character, you could then calculate features for each character and input them to a classifier, which usually is built with supervised learning.


All the steps above are just one way to do it, of course.

顺便说一句,我使用 OpenCV + Python 生成了上面的图像,这是计算机视觉的绝佳组合.

By the way, I generated the images above using OpenCV + Python, which is a great combination for computer vision.

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